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When you were back to Chris’s apartment, she still hasn’t come back yet. Ah, you’d never asked yet what is her job. Thinking that you don’t want to pry into her personal life, but she must have a stable work since she could afford to live in an apartment like this. You took a shower to clean yourself, the event that transpires earlier still fresh in your mind.

That Heiwajima Shizuo guy… after you look at him carefully, only then you realized how good-looking he was. His face resembles Yuuhei Hanejima a bit if it wasn’t because of his blonde hair.

There was a sound of a door opened and closed again, that must be Chris. You grab the towel and exit the bathroom, she looks like she was exhausted.

“Rough day, Kurisu-chan?”

“Ah… kinda…” she replies wearily and lies down on the couch.

“Ohhkay…” you don’t know what to say anymore. There was a time when you two was awkward to talk even though you already know each other. Ah, back when she was trying to befriend with you, you still remember how awkward and formal when you the two of you talked.

“Have you eat anything? If not, I can cook you something.” you offer and took out a juice from the fridge.

“Well… thank you, but I already eat with my friend.” she turn down your offer.

“I see. Well then, goodnight Kurisu.” you said to her and went to your room but stop when she calls after you.

“Wait, [Name]-chan…”


“…I want to ask you something just to be sure… Do you know anyone who goes by the name Orihara Izaya?” Chris asks, there was something that you couldn’t interpret when she said that guy name.

“Hmm… I think I did hear a familiar name like that before, why?” you tilted your head to her.

“Ah, it’s nothing. It’s better if you don’t know about him. But just as I said about Shizuo Heiwajima before, you should stay away from this Orihara Izaya guy too. He was someone who you shouldn’t get involved with, if possible, don’t ever crossed path with him.” Chris warned you again. She sounds more serious this time rather than when she warns you about Heiwajima Shizuo. 

Hmmm. Come to think of it, people really like to give you a warning.

“Okay, I will avoid whoever this Orihara Izaya guy.” you said to Chris reassuringly, but there was something that has been bothering you lately. You hadn’t met with her these past few years much, but now you could see that she has changed a lot. For the better of worse, only Chris know the answer.

“And Chris,” you gaze straightly into her eyes, “If there was something, anything at all, you can share it with me. You already help me right now. At least, let me return the favor as well.” you said to her sincerely.

Chris paused momentarily. It was like she wants to say something, but she decided not to.

“I—will… Thank you [Name],”

“No problem, we are friend right? Goodnight again, Kurisu.”

“Goodnight too.”

Something definitely was wrong with Chris, but you don’t know where to start. Like you who were hard to tell anyone about your problem, you know she was like that too. Maybe that’s why you two can be friend together. But seeing her eyes like that… like there’s something, something that glints in her eyes when she spoke Orihara Izaya’s name. Like she reveres him but at the same time, she was kind of… afraid of him.

If she said that you absolutely must avoid him, then you will.

Though unbeknown by you that you’re already getting involved with this Orihara Izaya whether you realized it or not.


“Welcome to Lottoria, may I take your order sir?” you ask at the customer, you were working as the barista as well as serving the counter. Having done with their order, you place the drinks on the tray and serve it to them.

“Thank you for purchasing, please come again.”

You weren’t that tired with this work, but having to stand for long and keep repeating the same lines like a robot make it boring a bit. Your other co-workers were busy too. Of course, you can’t chat with them while you were still in work hour, and the queue is still long and you need to handle them. Now you know why they have a vacant job for this position.

“Welcome to Lottoria, may I take your order sir?” you didn’t bother to look at the customer this time and ready to make what they want.

“Hmm. One coffee and one just milk. With two lunch Set A.,” the customer said. You only nodded to him and pressed at the screen his orders until you remember that there isn’t in the menu that offers for ‘milk only’.

“Ah, I’m sorry but there wasn’t any--” you stop in mid-sentence when you looked at the customer, it was Heiwajima Shizuo.

“Sorry, what is it?” he asks you gently. Mind you, he asks gently at you, different from what you have heard from the rumors. Saying that he was angry 24/7.

“A-ah, how should I put it. I’m still new here, so I never know they have,” you immediately looked at the menu to search if they did have it.

“Ah, don’t bother if you don’t have it. Just give me something sweet.”

Dumbfounded, you looked at him and tilted your head. He looks so calm right now, completely different when you met him for the first time at your apartment.

“Ah, okay then.” You swiftly went to make his orders and while you are it, you steal a glance at him. You can’t deny that he looks so good in that bartender outfit. Is he working as a bartender? But why he goes around wearing that bartender suit? And why he was with Tom that comes to collect your father's debt? Ah, there was a lot you want to ask him but you dare not since you two didn’t know each other-- yet.

Having done preparing for his order, you place it on the tray and serve it to him. You give him a chocolate drink as the substitute for the milk. He didn’t say anything and take out his wallet to pay in cash.

“Thank you… you are Heiwajima Shizuo, right?” you asked him and he raises an eyebrow at you.

“Hmm, you know my name?” he questioned back and now he tilted his head.

Of course, everyone would have known your name if you keep throwing stuff at the street. Well, you don’t really want to die at young age, so you keep that comment with you.

“Ah, well, I know your name from my friend and besides, w-we have met each other before.”

“We do?”

You nodded at him, that make the blonde ponder for a moment.

“Ah, you are the one that your father--” Shizuo immediately stop as if he remembers he shouldn’t be talking in public about it. “Oh, sorry. No wonder you look familiar.”

“No, it’s okay, here’s the balance.” you give it to him and smile genuinely.

“Oh, thanks. Hmm, [L. Name] right?” this time, he said your name.

“Ah, yes, you know my name?”

“Not exactly, but that.” He points at your name tag. You were flustered for a second there, thinking that he might actually know your name. Ah, how embarrassing.

“I- I see. Then, please enjoy your meal, Heiwajima-san." you scratches your cheek awkwardly, "And please, come again.”

Before he takes his tray and leave, you swore that your heart almost leaped from your throat when he smiles back slightly to you and said;

“I will.”

And not far from your place, there was someone who was observing your interaction with Shizuo using a pair of binocular.



AH, halp I’m dead because Shizuo is so asahshjsa--// slapped.

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