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>> Mystic Falls 1855 - Porch of the Salvatore household

I stood in front of the Salvatore Household, the home of my bestest friends Stefan and Damon. Most recently, my parents had been going crazy and obsessing over me going through my right of passage; the path I was destined to go through (apparently).
My name is Lucifer Morningstar, but please, call me Lexi; the name Lucifer is weird for a 16 year old girl like me, don't you think? and Luci as for short is a name that I truly despise.

I was born October 30th 1839, a couple months after our close family friend, Lilly Salvatore's first born, Damon. As our families were close, I spent almost everyday with Damon, playing with toys and  running around their magnificent garden, and soon enough, Damon's little brother Stefan joined us too.

I walked up to their door, taking hold of the large handle and knocking twice "Damon! Stefan! Aunt Lily? anyone home??" I called upwards, looking through the windows in need to see the faces that brighten my day "they're not here.." I sighed, taking a few last glances of this house. Today was the last day I was going to see them, or, was meant to see them. My  parents decided that we were going to move to New Orleans, to be closer to their coven - or as I call it, crazy Satan worshipper happy camp - and so I left a note, explaining how they will never see me again... A tear fell down my cheek, signifying emotion that I had never felt before.. "Dammit... I'm going to miss them more than I thought.." I whispered, starting to walk slowly away from their house, taking in the scenery and reciting memories through my mind, implanting an image that I hope will never leave my thoughts.


>> New Orleans 2016 - The St. James Infirmary

So here I am now; 177 years of age, turned a vampire at 23, sitting on my own with a bottle of boubon to accompany my isolation, and with no drinking buddy to drink my life away with. "damn... I'm so bored.." I said throwing my head back and leaning more onto my chair, taking a swig of my drink "even more so than usual.." I furrowed my eyebrows, slowly taking down the rest of the contents of the bottle in one swig "my my, look what we have here..." A sudden all so familiar, rather British voice echoed from the entrance of the bar. I looked towards the entrance to see my best friend, the infamous Niklaus Mikaelson, a smirk plastered on his face as I rolled my eyes, turning back to face forward and be greeted with nothing but infinite rows of bottles before me, "Niklaus, as much as I enjoy your presence. I am not in the mood." I said straight, clicking my finger at the bartender in order to get me another bottle "what's made little Lucifer so angry hm?" he teased, chuckling and taking a seat beside me, snatching the bottle from the bartenders hand before it could reach mine. "Can you stop calling me that.. its Lexi." I rolled my eyes, looking around to see if someone heard him say my real name "some people will think I'm actually 'the devil' and I'm too lazy for that drama." I whispered, snatching back the bottle, popping it open in a swift motion hitting it on the edge of the table and drinking from it, not even bothering to pour a glass out for him.

Tonight seemed like a bad night; witches decided to roam the streets, vampires that wanted to rebel attempted. And I mean attempted. To try and kill Niklaus and the other originals and nothing really worth my while seemed to be happening, so that's why I was sat here. Bored as hell, no pun intended.

"How would you like for the two of us to go on a road trip?" Nik suggested, leaning in to whisper in my ear and flicking my cheek to gain my attention "a road trip?" I raised my eyebrow, putting my palms in his face and pushing it away as I leaned back and sat there for a second, contemplating if it were a good idea or not to go on a road trip with someone who has tried to kill you many a time.  "you know what.. fuck it." I smiled "great" he smiled, downing the last drop of whiskey from his glass "but." I started, taking the glass from his hand "you try and fuck me, I'll stake you." I smirked as he chuckled from my ultimatum "deal." He smiled. Getting up and chauffeur me back to my place to pack a bag.

I packed my bag as quick as I possibly could; clothes, underwear, toothbrush, alcohol (obviously) and a load of other shit that I probably didn't need. I walked out of the apartment building, being greeted by a smug Nik leaning on the hood of his car "why so smug?" I raised my eyebrow, flinging my bag in the trunk of his car "no reason." He chuckled and moved to open the passenger side door "so where are we going?" I smiled, thinking of all the exotic places that Niklaus could maybe take me.. Italy.. Paris.. Thailand.. "Mystic Falls." he spoke, and at that, I froze. "My-mystic falls?" I stuttered, all of a sudden really nervous thinking about returning to my birth town "yes, do you have a problem with that?" he asked, holding my arm lightly as a failed attempt to show an action to comfort  "no! no, I'm fine" I smiled, climbing into his car and sitting in the passenger seat, him closing the door and along with me, sitting in the driver seat and starting up the engine "I have someone there to visit. We will stay there for a couple of days if that's okay with you." he smiled, stroking my hair and putting a piece behind my ear "are you trying so seduce me?" I laughed pushing his hand away "what can I say? I have known you for 153 years and you are rather ravishing" he smirked, starting to drive "ew are you trying to make me sick??" I laughed as I simulated myself vomiting "oh come on you know you love the attention I give you" he says putting his hand on my knee, and me pushing it away swiftly "maybe, but now your being too touchy" I chuckled, turning my head to stare out the window as the journey had begun, on the way to Mystic Falls.

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