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>> Months later of after I left - 1855 New Orleans

I laid there in my bed, as silent as death, dreaming about meeting my best friends again in the near future... But life as it is known right now, is too short. I am human, the chance I could see them again would probably be never.

All of a sudden I hear large, echoing banging noises from my front door, vibrating the walls in my house making me feel like I'm in an earthquake. Accompanying the loud bangs I hear an all too familiar voice shouting and screaming my name: "LEXI!" "LEXI OPEN THE DOOR!" I groaned quietly, sitting up and wiping the sleep from my eyes to gain at least normal eye sight. I got up from my bed and walked groggily down the hallways and to the front door, opening it slowly and peeping through the little gap that I opened it to; "Damon?" I raised an eyebrow, my eyes widening as I looked upon his most angered facial expression.

Somehow, magically, I telepathically asked him to come in, because for some reason he decided to just walk in as if I did, pushing past me and out of the way and slamming the door behind him in the process. "What the actual hell!?" I shouted, quickly following him to the lounge as he turned to face me, his face as red as a tomato. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE US?!" He screamed in my face, tears brimming his eyes "WHAT?! I LEFT A NOTE TO SAY WHY I LEFT, I KNOCKED AND KNOCKED PLENTY OF TIMES TO SAY GOOD BYE AND NO ONE ANSWERED, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?! SEND AN OWL?!" I shouted back at him, making my posture more straight so I could look at him in the face, and failing in attempt to be more intimidating; our faces now inches away from each other.

"NO YOU DID'NT! I WOULD HAVE FOUND IT BY NOW AND READ IT RATHER THAN HAVING TO COME HERE TO SEE YOUR IDIOTIC AND INCOMPETENT FACE." He growled in my face "HOW DARE YOU DAMON. WE WERE BEST-FRIENDS." I shouted moving closer to his face as I got angrier, a single tear falling from my eye which I could see in his that it hit a nerve, as angry as he was he didn't want to see me upset. "OH SO WE WERE BEST-FRIENDS?!" He shouted emphasising the 'were' as he pushed me backwards, making me fall onto the floor. "Yeah... Now we were friends..." I whispered sadly, getting back up onto my feet and wiping the dust off my clothes "No Lexi... Please that was an accident!" he sighed, moving forward and attempting to take a hold of my hand. "No Damon." I said pushing his hands away "I DID LEAVE A LETTER. YOU JUST DIDN'T CARE ENOUGH TO LOOK FOR IT  TO KNOW WHAT I SAID TO SAY WHY I HAD LEFT, WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO BACK TO YOUR PRECIOUS KATHERINE AND LEAVE ME ALONE" and with that last sentence, he slapped me. Hard. "YOU WHORE." He growled "WHAT THE?! DAMON LEAVE. RIGHT NOW." I screamed, tears brimming my eyes again as I held my stinging cheek "YOU LEFT ME...." He shouted, slowly quieting down as he came to the realisation of what he just did... He hit his best-friend... his only friend...

"Leave." I said sternly, standing up once again and pointing my finger to the front door. "wait... what?" He said, shocked somehow. Such idiocy.. Stupid boy.. "Leave. And never talk to me again." I repeated myself, glaring daggers at him as I ended up having to push him out of my house, and being Damon and his stubborn self he had refused to plenty of times. "no please Lexi.. That was a mistake! Please believe me! I didn't intend to slap you! You know me your my best friend I wouldn't do that to you!" He exclaimed, but I just ignored him.

Finally getting him out of my house, not even wanting to look at him or make eye contact and slowly closed the door in his face..


>> Mystic Falls 2016

"Bonnie please I really don't want to see them-" "I know what happened in 1855" Bonnie stated as she cut me off, holding onto my wrist and pulling me to the Salvatore Boarding house "you two need to grow some a pair and talk to each other" she said again, causing me to sigh as she opened the door "DAMON" she yelled "In the lounge area with Mr Asshole" he called back "That's rude" I heard Nik's voice as he chuckled, causing me to roll my eyes "I BROUGHT LEXI" She called "Lexi?" I heard Stefan's voice as he ran over, hugging me tightly "Hey Stef.." I smiled hugging back. I never fell out with Stefan, only his brother, so there's no need for me to not talk to him right? "I have missed you..." He whispered as he tightened his grip, lacing his fingers in my hair and kissing my forehead "I've missed you too." I smiled, pulling away from the hug and cupping his face in my hands and smiling with tears in my eyes; he put his hands over mine, tears already falling from his eyes "please don't leave again..." He whispered.

"Lexi..." I heard a voice coming from behind me "you lost the right to call me Lexi a long time ago..." I grimaced at the sound of his voice, he sighed "I'm sorry.. Please.. We need to talk.." He spoke as I turned around to face him 'wow.. He hasn't changed at all! Well.. He is a Vampire' I thought to myself "fine." I said crossing my arms over my chest and rolling my eyes, he smiled "but not now." I said, making his smile vanish almost instantly "now what's with this heretic, Enzo, Mommy Salvatore problem? I'll help. Then we'll talk." I said smiling a little.


A few hours later everything had been explained: Enzo is a back stabber, Heretics had taken over Mystic Falls, Julian is an ass and Damon's girlfriend is more so dead. "She said she wanted me to live a life while she was gone. So I'm going to live one." He smiles after we concluded the conversation of Elena.

During their confrontation about how Damon should live his life I could not help but think that I know Enzo. The description I was given to what he looked like: dark hair, tanned, tall, handsome; a British accent also. Made me think of a man called Lorenzo to whom I met before Augustine.  'Enzo... Lorenzo.... That's it! I know who he is' I thought to myself and smiled in accomplishment of remembering who he was. But I cannot tell anyone, not yet. From what they have said I have figured that they really don't like Enzo, and if I did they would have less faith in me and would not trust me. So I for now shall keep it on the dowwwwnnnn low.

Keep Your Friends Close.. But Your Enemies Closer.. (Enzo/Damon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now