Louis POV

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Louis POV

Wow, I can't believe she's finally mine... You see a few weeks ago I umm may have asked out Libby and she may have said yes! Oh my goodness I can't believe it... Seriously my heart skips a beat every time she says my name or even beams her perfect smile my way, every time she holds my hand or hugs me tight the touch of her skin tingles in mine, every time she twirls her hair, looks away and blushes my whole body has butter flies flying around and fluttering like there is no tomorrow, but the best of all every time she kisses me, every time her lips twist into mine' I cannot explain the feeling I can't even try I don't even know myself how I feel exactly but I know, I just know that it's something special and I know that she's mine and that she always will be and I will never let anyone even try to hurt her when she is mine, mine forever, together forever, forever...


It's eleven in the morning and she is already by my side as I put my hands in the air and take of my shirt to get changes for the amazing day set out ahead if us, she giggles and I start to unchange, not completely just my top and then my trousers, she looks away every time I look into her brown eyes, and blushes like a little school girl. I don't know why though, she's perfect just the way she is to me, I wouldn't change anything if I had to start my life again...

When I finish getting dressed we skip down stairs arm in arm like and old married couple and start to make breakfast neither of us can really cook so we pull an old box if frostiness from the cupboard and pour them into the two china bowls along with milk of course. Before we finish eating my phone starts to ring, it's Zayn I can tell for he out a massive picture of waffles as the user ID photo, who knows why?! He's weird, I answer the phone and I can already tell that he's been crying before he even says a word Down the phone line, he never cries, something awful must have happened...

He tells me what's wrong and I can't say a world I'm just shocked completely shocked... It's nothing bad, well a little I suppose but not that bad it's just that I never ever in a million years would have guessed what he had just told me down the phone hardly being able to talk in between breath intakes and a weak sobbing every now and then, I have to go over their, no what the hell are you thinking Louis? You can't just stroll up their when they have just found out, no way, I'll have to ask him to come here, Libby's going out anyway going shoe shopping or something I think, with Katie, I swear those three are like peas Ina pod you seriously cannot separate them, so you think Jodhi will tel them? And if so how?...

After a few hours Zayn comes round after calming himself down on his own with a cup of tea and a nice hot bath, mmmm I love a nice hot bath, hah. He knocks on the door limply and as I go to answer it I can hear him still whimpering a little, I open the door and with no notice he pulls me in for a right hug, now I know he's really upset he's never ever hugged me or any other if the boys, only when he is seriously upset, I can feel his hot tears rolling down his face and dripping down into my neck. After a good two minutes he let's go and apologises, " there's no need for an apology Zayn your a guy, but they still cry okay? At you sure that there is nothing I can do to help, man?"

" no, but I would like a cuppa if that's alright?" He says a little more enthusiastically whole wiping his eyes with the cuff of his sleeve, I wink back and that makes him giggle a little and we sit down and chat for a while as the kettle boils...

Sorry guys my chapters aren't going to be as long now that I don't have much time to write anymore, I'll try to do them whenever I have spare time, I hope your enjoying it, keep reading and I'd really like to read some more comments, thank youu iloveyou xx libertyria<3

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