Ch 5; Soccer, Movies, and Yelling.

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1 Week Later:
Emily's POV:
After all that work I've been doing preparing for the tour, everyone is finally ready. All the music, lights, stage, and costumes were ready. We were all preparing to fly to Changsha (city in China) in 4 days, and Luhan was really sick.
We couldn't do anything about his illness. It was almost October anyway. I already talked to the managers and the staff people they were really worried about Luhan. But now i have to take over all of Luhan's parts for now. More work. But Luhan and I are like really close friends, and I'm doing this for the fans.
I sat in my dorm room the clock ticking back and forth. I was thinking about all the things I had to do during the tour. I had to fly to Changsha with the rest of EXO in 2 days, and then come back to Korea and then fly back to China again.
I couldn't fall asleep. There's so many things that needed to be finished and they're still not done.
I decided to go to the park. In the middle of the night. Yes. I couldn't sleep so maybe a little soccer?
I put on a thin sweater, some shorts, and a ball, and went out of the door. Don't ask how I have all this stuff Minho really likes soccer.
I walked to the nearest park and stopped in my tracks to see something I really didn't want to see. It was Luhan. He was sick and tired, and he's playing soccer?
I ran to the field and dropped the ball as I ran towards him and yelled "Ya!Luhan oppa!? What are you stupid?" I yelled. "Oh Emily. What are u doing out here now. It's 3 am." He said calmly. His nose was really red and his cheeks bright pink. He was cold but it looked like he was sweating a lot too. "Oppa. Why are you here. Get some rest your sick!!" I said. I was going to make sure he got back and rested. "Emilyah. I came here cuz I'm stressed. You guys are doing all the work while I'm here in bed just blowing my nose. I feel bad. Especially for you. You have to do so much work for me. And I didn't do anything for you." He told me honestly. Geez he's under that much pressure? "Luhan. Just 5 minutes more and I'm taking u back to my dorm." I told him as I went to go grab my ball. I scooped it up and headed to the goal. I tried some kicks and dribbles. Luhan watched me and finally came over and dribbled the ball from me. "Haha can't catch me!" He said and ran with the ball. "Yah Luhan u better come back! Deer don't run that fast!" I ran after him as I giggled.
I chased him all around the field and finally dribbled the ball away from him. As he sat down in the grass I stopped running and sat down next to him. We were both out of breath and needed water.
     "Your pretty good." Luhan said with a smile. If he got too exhausted he might pass out. "Right back at you. I'm so tired." I told him. Now I was sleepy. I Layed back in the grass and looked up at the clear sky. So many stars that shine brightly. Luhan laid back with me. "Isn't the sky beautiful?" I asked him. "Yeah. It's never like this in China." He told me. "I've never seen such a clear sky here in Korea." I told him back. He just smiled. I know he was tired. "Let's head back to my dorm." I told him. He nodded and followed me.
       I walked all the way back to my dorm with Luhan trailing behind. I unlocked the door switched on the light and we entered. "It feels so warm in here." He told me as he looked around. I guess he's never been to my dorm. "Yeah. Lemme get you some hot tea." I told him as I ran towards the kitchen. "No it's fine." He told me in denial. "Your sick. You need it." I told him seriously. I was no doctor but I know if ur sick u need something to warm u up.
    I turned on the stove and brought out a tea kettle and filled it with water. Then I got a pack of tea and a mug. Luhan wasn't in the best condition of u could say. He had a cold, and a high fever last week which made everyone worried. If he cared for himself more or the company his condition wouldn't be like this.
    Luhan sat on the couch and switched on the tv. He made himself feel at home which made me happy.
    I poured the water out and put the tea bag in and walked over to Luhan giving him the mug. "Ah. Thankyou Emilyah. " he told me. "No problem. How bout u sleep over for tonight. It's a little late to go back." I said. "Sure. I'm pretty tired too. Can I get washed up somewhere?" "Yep, down the hall on the left. I'll get u some clothes." I told him. "Thankyou Emily." He told me as he stood up and walked down the hall to the bathroom.
   I stood up and went to Taemin's room since his clothes looked like it fit Luhan best. I grabbed some shorts and a shirt and put it in front of the bathroom door for him so he can change.
    I went into Jonghyun's room and did the bed for him to sleep. And went into the kitchen to drink some tea also. Luhan was already done by the time I came out. "That was quick." I told him. "My dad taught me its called the express shower. Besides I don't want my tea to cool down." He told me. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked him. "Sure. What to watch??.. How bout back to the 20s!" Luhan told me. It was his new movie that he was in in China. "Sure. Never watched it. I need English sub titles." I told him. "Alrighty." He told me. He switched on the channel and started to find the movie.
I stood up and got some popcorn, pillows, and a blanket. And came running back to him on the couch waiting for me to sit down. "Let's watch!" He told me excitedly. I guess he was still excited even though he was in the movie. Hopefully he won't spoil the plot for me.
The movie started and I already felt my eyelids heavy. Luhan scooted in towards me just a little. But i didn't mind. I kept watching the movie, we were about 15 minutes in and I started to drift off into sleeping without thinking about anything else.

Luhan's POV:
       The movie started and Emily looked pretty tired. It was 3 in the morning. Why would we be watching a movie now? But I don't really mind. I scooted in towards Emily, and she leaned a little on me which meant she didn't mind.
    It was already 15 minutes into the movie when Emily was already asleep leaning on me. I put my arm around her and switched off the tv and drifted to sleep also. I didn't care if I was on the couch. I was just glad Emily was here with me. I hope she doesn't get sick tho. Oh well.

Emily's POV:
     I woke up to a sort of startling noise. It was fire truck out side. I started to get up and realized Luhan and I literally slept in the couch together for the whole night. I checked my phone and it was 10:30 am. Even though i slept for 7 hours I was still sleepy. I decided to get back on the couch and sleep with Luhan. He looked so peaceful, it was really cute. I sat down and stroked his hair. Poor boy. He was so sick.
    I leaned back and went back to sleep with him. I hope nothing would disturb us now. I was really tired.

Luhan's POV:
   I woke up as soon as Emily woke up. I shifted a bit and looked up at her. She just stood up to get water. It was probably 8 in the morning. I decided to pretend to sleep until Emily got back. She came back and stared at her phone for a while, then sat down next to me. She stroked my hair which felt ticklish and nice at the same time. I guess staying over was nice.
    She leaned in on me and closed her eyes. I peeped at her face and she was already sound asleep. I decided to sleep along with her.

Emily's POV:
        "What is this?!" Someone familiar sounded. I started to get up from the couch. And my eyes were still not in focus on the person. "Emily what are you doing?! I come home to see this?! I called you many times to come pick me up, but in the end I rode the taxi home! And I come home to see this?!" The person asked me in an angry tone.
     "Wha--what? I'm sorry I'm really tired." I told the person. I rubbed my eyes a bit. And looked up. And the person turned out to be Minho. "Hyung, what are you doing here? You look really sick." Minho asked Luhan. He was younger than Luhan, but older than me. "Minhoyah, Emily told me I could stay for the night. We were watching a movie and then fell asleep. I'm sorry if I ruined any thing between you." Luhan said sincerely.
    "Explain." Minho told me. "There's nothing to explain. It's the truth. We met in the park at 3 in the morning and I just invited him back here." I told him. "And you slept on the couch?!" He asked. "I was tired." I told him. "I'm sorry. I'll go." Luhan told me. "Wait a sec don't go." I said. "Just let him go. We can discuss this later." Minho said. "We're talking about this now. Will you stop thinking we're still dating?! We broke up a long time ago! And are you jealous?! You told me we should go our separate ways. And now your coming back?! After you told me you wanted to be with Seohyun?!" I yelled. There I cracked. I couldn't do it. I couldn't deal with it anymore. It's over. "Emily. Stop. I like you." Minho told me. "You should've never came back. Go. Luhan I'll take you home let's go."  I told Luhan as I packed his stuff and left Minho somethings he never could say. I was finished. And now what is he gonna say next?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So this chapter is a little shorter! Hoped u liked it! I didn't have any ideas at first but now I sort of do. Leave requests! And thanks for voting and reading!! Luv ya <3

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