Ch.9; Lies of Love

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~Emily's POV~
Right after stopping and looking at the picture of the stage of the members and I, i literally just remembered that i did the most terrible thing ever. I. Kissed. Minho. It wasn't the biggest problem in the world, but it probably got him thinking. Oh no.
I looked over at the clock and it was 9:46 AM already. Baekhyun said he would be over to pick me up at 10. I took my bags and rushed through the hall, pulling my things with me. Minho was still sitting on the couch, and I decided to go over and ask him for some help.
"Help." He looked up when I asked. He just smiled, closed his book, and stood up. "Sure I'll help." He told me while taking my bags and stuff. I was only staying there for 3 days though I needed to bring my makeup and clothes and electronics..
"Have a safe trip." He said. "Yeah I will." I said nervous of what he was going to say next. "Not will, but you better. I'm planning on leaving around 3 or so." He said to me. "Nobody asked.." I said under my breath. "What was that?" He said "I couldn't hear correctly." "Oh I was just reminding myself of-- uh something." I said trying to hide that I obviously didn't care when he was flying or not. I was relieved just to get away from him kind of. I don't know how to feel about him TBH.
Ding dong. Baekhyun's here. I sighed with relief as I ran to open the door. To my surprise he wasn't by himself, he apparently brought Chanyeol with him.
"Annyeonghaseo, Emily. Ah Minho hyung, how've you been?" Baekhyun asked as entering to give him a bro hug. Chanyeol followed him in slightly ducking to avoid hitting the top of the door. "I'm doing actually fantastic Baekhyunssi. Chanyeolah how've you been?" Minho asked looking at me with a sly look.
He's doing fantastic? Oh shoot. What did I do. I was caught up in the moment! I didn't mean to kiss him I SWEAR.
"I'm doing well hyung. We've come to pick up Emily. We need to get going anyway." Chanyeol said in a rushed tone. He understood that I felt awkward around Minho.
I went over to the kitchen counter, pulled out the stool, and sat waiting for Baekhyun to motion that we can leave. "Well I have something to tell you guys." Minho said. He said it in an excited tone. "What is it hyung?" Baekhyun asked. "Me and Emily are actually back together." Minho said delighted as he leaned on the couch looking at me with a smile. I just glared. I wasn't in a relationship with him. I knew something like this would happen. "What?" The words escaped Baekhyun's lips. "Um hyung we're happy for you." Chanyeol said a little disappointed. "No. no. Minho what. When did I say that?" I asked him getting up and walking over. "Didn't you just tell me? Did you forget already?" He asked cutely. "No. I didn't say anything. No. no. No. nuh uh nope I didn't say anything." I said fast and quick as I went to pick up my stuff, Minho grabbed my arm. "How bout we show them?" Minho said. "Show them what you jerk? I never said any of this. Maybe that's why we aren't together." I said yanking my arm out of his but it didn't work out so well. He pulled me in close and attempted to kiss me in front of the other guys. I looked over Baekhyun red and wide eyed, while Chanyeol was focused on Minho and ready to throw a luggage at him. He leaned in closer, and closer, and closer. Until I took my free arm and pushed his face out of the way. "What was that for?" Minho asked me. "We aren't in a relationship." I said as I grabbed the bags that I could carry and headed out of the dorm mad once again.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun followed carrying the rest of my luggages followed by a "Take care hyung." From Chanyeol. Baekhyun caught up to me as Chanyeol turned his phone on to call an uber.
"What happened?" Baekhyun asked me worried. His face was still bright red from witnessing this act of grossness. "He's just. I-- i can explain." I told him. I felt like I was in a relationship with him. "Yes. Do it when the uber gets here." He turned to the road as the car appeared. Chanyeol took my bags and handed it to the driver as he hopped in the passengers seat. Baekhyun and I took the back row. The airport was about 5 or 7 minutes away from the dorm which made it convenient.
I got in my seat and i seatbelted right away. Pulled out my phone and a text appeared on the screen. It said:
How was that for acting? Ah. Emily such a gullible girl with precious gullible boys. Are you in love with me yet? ~Minho oppa
I responded while angrily typing:
Look Minho. I don't wanna deal with this. Leave the dorm and fly back to Japan. I'm done. And if you really wanna know I am in love with one of the boys in EXO.
      I finished typing, sent the message, and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. Then I realized Baekhyun was staring at me. His eyes were full of jealousy. It was like I betrayed him or something.
    "Look, it's not what you think it is." I told him nervously. "I know. I've known hyung for a while." Baek said turning his head towards the world outside the window. "Well whatever you were thinking in the dorm, I--- I'm not in love with him." I told him as honest as I could. I kinda fell in love with Baekhyun on our first date. "Then who are you in love with?" He asked turning towards me now curious. "Well-- its a little hard to explain. Like I like a lot of people right now and it's kinda hard to choo..." I trailed off because he took my hand and wrapped his fingers in mine. My heart fluttered instantly. "Well right now who would you choose?" He asked smiling. "Uh--- well---" I said I didn't want to choose yet. There was: Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Luhan, D.O, and Chen. Which one? (Comment which one you guys think she should hook up with hehe) "Well who are you're choices?" He asked me. He must've been curious. "Well um, Kai" he looked at me like he knew it was coming. "Chanyeol." He sat up a bit more with an eyebrow raised. "Kyungsoo." He still had his eyebrow raised.  "Chen." He now was looking at me strangely. "Luhan." He sat back a little now. "And-- well you." He was looking at the window till I said you. And he turned to me and smiled. He was still holding my hand tightly as ever.
We finally arrived at the airport. The driver got out and carried my bags and instantly put them on the luggage picker upper thingy. We still waited in the car due to the paparazzi. Finally the security guards came and Chanyeol exited first and ran inside. Then Baekhyun dragging me a long inside ran in. It was still quite busy. We ran over to the "Private" part of the airport. There were the other EXO members besides Luhan.
Sitting in the waiting chairs were Kai, Chen, and Tao all on their phones. And Sehun, Kyungsoo, Suho, Lay were all standing on their phones. Well everyone was on their phones.
"Emilyah! Good morning." Kyungsoo called out. "Why are you holding Baekhyun's hand?" Kai just blurted out. I instantly let go and he did also. It was kinda embarrassing. "Well good morning everyone. I hope you slept well and didn't run into any problems getting here." I said bowing. "It's time for the security check." The guard said. So as I finished I started to walk the way of the guard until Kai pulled me into a one armed hug. He put his arm over my shoulder and pushed my head close to his chest. "Your hair smells like coconuts." He said and I smiled. He kept me in that hug until we got to the security place.
    I put my bags down as I escaped from Jongin's arm. As I put my stuff down I got pushed ahead by apparently Chanyeol. I walked through the scanner and went to the other side where the security pat checked me? On the other side there was Baekhyun waiting patiently.
     I see what they did. Chanyeol and Baekhyun teamed up? True ChanBaek. 
    As I finished I grabbed my stuff which was only one thing cuz the rest was next to Baekhyun. "What are you doing exactly?" I asked him. He looked up with the his circle glasses and rosy lips and smiled. "Chanyeol pushed me way ahead. Why may I ask?" I asked. There was no curiosity. I just wanted him to admit it. "Well so you can get away from Kaissi. And to come to me." He said as he turned to pick up my bag and give it to me. All the members were now through the security and ready to board the plane.
     The security escorted all of us to the gate and we all boarded. NOW was the hard part. They all wanted to sit next to me. "Guys only 2 members." I said but all of them really wanted to. Baekhyun grabbed my hand and dragged me down one aisle. Jongdae who was first followed, then Chanyeol, then Jongin and The rest. The people in the plane were really pissed? Yeah.
      The two members who ended up sitting next to me were Baekhyun and Chen. Baekhyun was still holding onto my hand. We sat down in the aisle he dragged me to. The other members sat on the other side in the front and in the back of us.
        And once I sat down I was immediately tired. Chen who was already drifted off to sleep was the cutest dinosaur ever. He was sitting in by the window leaning against the wall. I stroked his hair gently. When Baekhyun came back from the bathroom he sat down and leaned his chin on my arm to get my attention. And I looked over and smiled. He snuggled his head on my arm then sat up. He's really the cutest puppy ever. I sat back relaxed half awake already. I leaned onto Baekhyun's shoulder. And he leaned on my head, then held my hand yet again.
         "Kamsapnida." He told me quietly. "For what?" I asked. I didn't remember doing anything. "For being you." He said as I smiled. "Saranghae." He told me in my ear. I leaned into his shoulder closer and smiled widely. Was this the beginning to a new chapter?

YES IN FACT A NEW CHAPTER IS COMING AHAHAHAH LOL SEE WHAT I DID THERE 😆! I'm so done but anyway.. Ah my loves. That was a long chapter wasn't it? Well I hoped y'all enjoyed. I love how the story is turning out honestly. Thx everyone for supporting it! And CAN WE TALK ABOUT FOR LIFE FOR A SEC? I love the album! Well plz look forward to the next chapter! 사랑하자!💗

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