Chapter 13

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Authors note - I've been going back and rereading some of your comments on the past chapters and I just laugh because some of them are hilarious. Anyways, as promised, here's another chapter... - The-BVB-Soldier


Riley got me to eat a small sandwich and now we're sitting in his room, watching The Babadook. Well, not really, he can't seem to take his face out of my chest and I can't take my eyes off of him. He's just too perfect...
He suddenly straddles me and before I could even blink, we're making out. He gets off of my lap and lays on the bed, pulling me on top of him, never once stopping our make out session. His hands start to roam my body when sudden knocking on his door interrupts us.
I quickly get off of him and run into the bathroom connected to his room to make myself presentable so whoever it is won't know. I'm about to leave when I hear a conversation through the door.
"Look, please just give me a chance to explain myself..."
"No! You cheated on me, and when you got pregnant you tried sleeping with me so you could say it was mine after you kept it. You're a whore, and that's that, now get the fuck out of my house, Selena!" I've never heard Riley angrier in the time that I've known him, and... it kind of scares me...
"But, I can't raise this baby on my own. She's almost six months, and..."
"GO!!!" He screamed and I flinched...
"Fine... I love you, Riley... I always have and I always will..." she says while walking out the door.
"I hate you." He hisses in anger.
When I hear the door close, I hesitantly walk into his room in complete silence. I sit on one of his chaos on the opposite side of the room, as far away from him as I could be, and resume the movie.
"Alex?" His soft and calm voice returns, and I wanna cry... how can someone so soft and calm turn into a monster just like that?
"Hmm?" I hum in response. I don't really feel like talking.
"Are you ok?" He asks cautiously. I look at him, nod and then face the tv again.
"I'm fine..." but in all reality... I'm really not... I'm scared...

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