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Balla watched as Chloe held an ice pack to her face. He didn't know she would fight for him like that. He was impressed by what she did for him. She held her on, but the shorty was just too much for her. He was still happy she did her thing.

He took a sip of his brown on ice and started to think of a way to tell her she can go. He didn't need her anymore. It was pointless in keeping her around when he knew she wasn't happy.

"What are you thinking about over there?" She inquired. Balla looked over at her and shrugged.

"When we going back home, it's pointless in staying now." She huffed. Balla held his head now. Now was the time to tell her, she wasn't going back with him.

"You're not going back with me." He blurted out. Chloe's eyes widened and she shockingly looked at him.

"Wha-what do you mean?" She asked. She swallowed the lump growing in her throat.

"I'm giving you a free pass to go. You can just walk away now. Without a threat from me." He told her, and took a big sip of his drink. Chloe was stuck; was he really breaking up with her and she didn't even do anything to him? She thought he loved her. She guessed not.

"Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me?" A tear slipped out one of her eyes. Balla looked at her then.

"You didn't do anything to me. I just know you not happy. How could you be when I was treating you like shit since I met you?" Balla sat his drink down and walked over to her. Chloe was crying now. If he broke up with her who would she have now? Nobody unless she made her way back to Hinesville.

"Fine Balla, you don't have to want me anymore." Chloe walked to her suitcases. "After all, this time, me falling in love with you. You should have just let me go when I wanted to leave. Now all of a sudden you want me to go. Pssh, that kind of low." Chloe shook her head.

Balla just stared at her. What could he say? She made it seem like she was happy with what he did to her.

"Why are making it seem like it a bad thing I'm letting you go?" Balla asked a little bewildered.

"Because I love you! I love you! You walking away from something that is going good." Chloe shouted at him.

"Fine, you want to stay, stay." Balla walked away from her. He walked to the bathroom and slammed the door. He didn't have the energy to yell or even be angry with her. He saw where she was coming from. He heard a knock on the bathroom door. Chloe walked in, her eyes all glossy and red from the crying she was doing.

"I know you treated me wrong in the past. I forgave you, but I'll never forget. You changed me, you made me into this hard person I don't think I would have been before I met you. You made me realized that I was a soft before. Now I'm not scared to punch a bitch in a face. Win or lose. I just want to be with you. Be that ride or die chick on your arms. Hold your hand while you about to pull the trigger on any nigga. I want to be that girl on your arm at every event. I want to be that chick that holds you down." She grabbed his face in her hands. Only thing Balla could have done was grinned at her and lean in and kissed her lips.

"You going to hold me down?" He sneered at her.

She nodded. He picked her up in his arms and walked back out the bedroom.


Shanelle watched Rich paced back and forth across their bedroom floor. He was mad as hell on how betrayed he felt. Miles fat ass was trying to play both sides. Rich was with that shit. What he wanted to do was bust a cap through his forehead. It was best Miles didn't say shit to him, for now on. If he did Rich was likely to kill him on sight. It was just that deep of a betrayal he felt. Never in a million years he thought his brother from another mother would betrayehim. Would go about the wrong way, and kept a fucking secret instead of being up front to him about it. That what got him pissed the fuck off.

"Are you okay?" Shanelle asked him. He nodded his head. Shanelle got off the bed and walked in the bathroom. She would let him have his moment. She needed some time to herself anyway.

She can't believe after all this time she got to see her best friend, only to have a fight with her. She felt bad about the fight. When she never felt bad about anything like that. She wanted to apologize. Because in the end, it was stupid to even though they both were defending their man. It was supposed to be sisters before niggas. Even though she did hit the nigga in the face for calling her a bitch. She hated that word with a passion. And if a nigga or bitch called her that, they were likely to get hands lay on them. Straight like that.

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Come in." She yelled out.

Rich walked in.

"Let's take a ride."

Shanelle arched an eyebrow.

"Where?" She asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know I just need to clear my head. You going or you staying?" He asked her.

"I'm going duh." She walked out the bathroom with him. They made their way outside and to the car in silence. Shanelle wanted to know what was he thinking. But didn't know how to go about asking him. When he was ready to talk he would talk to her. That's all she had to say on it.

Twenty minutes into riding in silence Rich finally said something.

"I'd never thought Miles ass would have betrayed me like that. Sneaking off to meet some nigga. That shit foul as hell man, Brother or not that nigga should have told me." Rich shook his head. Shanelle just listened. "This whole week his ass was M.I.A comes to find out his ass plotting with a snake ass nigga. Never know what would have happened if that shit went south. My ass could have been dead and gone, and his rat snake ass would have had a brother and probably joined teams with the fucking enemy." Rich snorted.

Shanelle still didn't say anything just let him vent.

"You not going to say anything?" He glanced over at her.

"I really have nothing to say. I mean it is your feelings and you going to feel that way because you felt betrayed. But at the same time, I just fought my best friend and already I want to apologize to her." Shanelle sighed deeply.

"I don't fault you for that either Either way it goes you both were taking away from each other by some hard core niggas, but to fight each other damnnnnn, y'all must really love them, niggas." He joked. Shanelle laughed. Rich smirked a little.

"Shut up, you know I love you. Cut it." Shanelle hit his arms.

"Let's go get something to eat. A nigga hungry." Rich said going toward IHOP.

Twenty minutes later they were at IHOP. When they walked in they were seated right away.

"Nelly?" Shanelle heard behind her. She turned around and Chloe stood with the mean looking Grinch dude.

Chloe and Shanelle[ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now