Chapter Three

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Running-Chapter Three

*Zoe's POV*


Living, with them?!

Have they lost it?! I am NOT living with them! I won't live with anyone! Do they not realize that I was running away again?? Why else wouldn't I be at home? They must be really oblivious.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Louis waving his hand in front of my face.

"Zoe? Zoe! What's the matter?"

I hesitated, I mean they were being nice and all, wait! I have idea, lets just hope they buy it.

"Um, well this is all very sudden, can a few minutes to think about it? Besides I need to go to the bathroom.."

"Sure love, down the hall and to the right." I thanked him and exited the room.

I followed his directions, but then kept going till I reached an elevator, I quickly stepped into it and hit the ground button. Speed is the key here, Simon knows that I run away, he's been notified before, yet he didn't care enough to do anything about it.

So close! The doors were closing, but just through the crack, I saw the boys running toward me shouting.

There is no way that I'm going to let them stop me. Could this elevator go ANY slower?!

The elevator finally reached the ground floor and I was outta there. I dashed to the front door and pushed it open, then started running down the sidewalk, my hair streaming out behind me.

I heard shouting behind me, but there was no way that I was going to look back and lose my tiny lead. I would have to hide, and hope they wouldn't find me.

Turning down the first alley I saw, wouldn't you know, it was the one where I ran into Louis in. This wouldn't do, I need to find somewhere else! As I ran back into a busier street, I begrudgingly allowed myself one look back, I mean I was running away from One Direction for Pete's sake!

I didn't see them, they were still in the alley. They may be fast, but I'm smaller and faster, I have been doing this for a couple years obviously. Oh and plus, I don't have any fans that might hold me up. There was a convenience store to my left, perfect! I know how to convince the cashier to let me hide.

I burst through the door, and hid behind the counter, the cashier gave me a questioning look and opened her mouth to talk. She looked to be about the same age as me.

"Please, I'm trying to hide from my ex boyfriend, can I please hide here? Don't let him find me!" I told her in a hushed whisper.

Her nod answered my question, and she acted casual, but at the same time, opened the cabinet in the back and let me crawl in.

I heard the boys yelling outside.

"I saw her go in here!"

Shoot, they were onto me, please please please don't let the cashier be a Directioner!

I heard the bell, signaling that they were in the shop, then, I heard a sound that I most definitely didn't want to hear.


Oh, and hyperventilating, can't forget that.

So yeah, all the signs show that she's a Directioner! You know, unless Justin Bieber just walked in, then she'd be a Belieber. But I'm pretty sure that it's the first option.

Well, she's probably gonna sell me out for a picture or something...

The hyperventilating was getting more frantic and I heard footsteps coming closer, they were probably going to ask her if I had been here.

"Hi love, I'm looking for someone, a girl, about 17, long hair, brown eyes, have you seen her?"

I recognized the voice as Louis's higher pitched one.

"U-um well, uh could I have a picture first?" She asked shyly.

Wow, she's nervous, it's so cute how she's so starstruck! Now that I think about it, I guess I wasn't starstruck, maybe it's because of all the bad memories...

I smacked myself for thinking of those things, and turned my attention to what was happening outside of this dusty cabinet.

Oh dear...I sure hope that I don't sneeze.

I heard a huff of impatience from one of the boys.


They must've taken the picture because I heard more talking.

"Alright, here's your picture. Now have you seen the girl?"

"Hmm I might have, I saw a girl like that running down the sidewalk, out there, down Prince Avenue."

Wait what?! She didn't sell me out! At least SOMEONE in this world knows how to keep a secret! Thank goodness the boys are off my track now.

I heard muttered curses and stomping out the door. YAY! I'm free!

The girl opened the cabinet door for me.

"So, I'm guessing you weren't hiding from your ex boyfriend." She had a twinkle in her eye.

I grinned at her, "Well, maybe not. But thanks for not selling me out." I look at her name tag, it said 'Lacey :)'

"Hi, I'm Lacey." She put out her hand to shake, and I hesitated before grasping it and shaking hands.

"I'm Zoe." I told her.

"It's nice to meet you! May I ask why you were running away from One Direction?" She had a smile on her face.

I shrugged good naturedly, "Oh ya know, hide and seek is a very competitive sport."

She laughed, "Well, would you like to go hide at Starbucks with me so you can explain why you ran in here hiding and lying?"

My face paled. Was she mad at me? I looked at her face and she was still smiling so I relaxed a little, but I was still alert. "Ummm...I don't know if that's a good idea..." I told her warily.

"Please?" She begged.

I sighed. "Fine, sure, whatever." To soften my answer, I added. "In the mean time, I will sit behind the counter, just in case they come back. Oh, and I have a question for you, are you really a huge Directioner?"

She laughed "Well, I'm a fan, but not such a big of one that I pretended to be. I wasn't truly fangirling that bad, it was pretty amusing actually."

Now it was my turn to laugh, "Well you're a pretty good actress. You had me fooled. At least, from where I was in the cabinet."

She removed her name tag as another employee came in.

"Let me just grab my bag and I'll be right back." She told me.

I contemplated darting off into the street, but just in case the boys are out there, I didn't. Here's hoping I can leave this city soon...


Yay! Update! I really excited about my own update? Yes!

I have to go babysit soon so I'm keeping it short. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment please? Thanks! I love you all! <3

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