Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

*Louis's POV*

"Alright, this is it." I said aloud. I got on the elevator and pressed the button for the 49th floor. As the numbers rose higher, I tried giving myself a pep talk,

"Don't take no for an answer. You don't want to be a failure anymore. Do not leave until he says yes..." I trailed off when I saw that the other people in the elevator were looking at me weirdly.


I just gave them a little smile and stared at the door, trying to be inconspicuous.

After a couple stops to different floors, the number finally landed on 49.

Simon's office.

'It's now or never.' I thought to myself as I knocked on his door, after the secretary had let me past.

"Come in!" He called.

I walked in, "Uh hey, Uncle Simon."

"Louis? What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Well...I have something to talk to you about..." I told him hesitantly.

His eyebrow went up, "And what would that be?"

"It's about Zoe." I said as I sat down.

He sighed and put his face in his hands. "Louis, there's nothing I can do, I told you this already."

I stood up quickly, my chair scraping the floor as I did. "That's a lie! There is something you can do! Get custody of her again-or something! I bet she is so miserable. You know how bad I feel every night for breaking my promise to her?"

After my outburst, Simon let out another big sigh. "I'm sorry Louis, but there is honestly nothing that I can do-"

"You know what Simon? No. There is something you can do." I cut him off, "What if I quit the band, then would you do something?"

He gave me a look. "Like you would quit the band for Zoe."

"Whatever." I muttered.

"Listen Simon, I am in the biggest boy band in the world! I can make a difference, I will do anything to fulfill my promise to Zoe."

"Why do you care so much about her?" He asked me.

"Because, I made her a promise and I intend to keep it. You only mess up her life anyway." I said, looking him straight in the eyes.

He stared back. "If I only mess up her life, why do you want me to obtain custody of her so badly?"

"Because she deserves better than what she has." I stated.

Simon gave me a conflicting look.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do, you can go now."

"No way, I'm not leaving." I said, sitting back down. "I'm not going until I hear you make that phone call."

I could tell he was frustrated with me, but I am so far beyond caring about that right now.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number. The person on the line must have picked up because Simon started speaking.

"Hello, this is Simon Cowell. I'm calling about Zoe Brittain." There was a pause. "Mmhmm, yes I understand that she's in a foster home right now." Another pause. "Yes I completely understand. I was just hoping that there was some way to regain custody of her again. Especially considering she's almost 18 anyway. Is there anyway that you could convince them? I will add more to pay for their services, on top of what the foster system pays them."

I figured that they were talking about Zoe's current foster parents.

Simon let out a frustrated sigh. "Alright, thanks, you too, goodbye." He hung up the phone and turned to me. "It would take a while. We might as well not bother, she'll be 18 soon enough anyway."

I couldn't believe it. "But by the time she's eighteen, my promise would've been broken and she'll probably leave! We need to get her now!"

"I'm sorry Louis, I've done everything I can." He told me calmly.

I shook my head in disbelief and left the room.

The problem is, he obviously doesn't want her. It was a lost cause trying to convince him. Why did I even try anyway?

Oh yeah. I remembered. I pulled out my phone to call Niall once I got into my car.

"Hey, how'd it go?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "Not so good, Simon says that it's pointless since she'll be eighteen soon."

Niall let out a groan. "Of course he did."

"I don't know what to tell ya mate."

"Maybe..." Niall paused, like he was getting an idea. "We'll have to take this into our own hands."

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused.

"Let's just get all the lads together at you're place. Then I'll tell you." Niall hung up the phone.

What is Niall getting us into?


A/N: another chapter because I already wrote it a while ago so there ya go, if anyone reads this, I hope you enjoyed.

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