Chapter Seven

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Running-Chapter Seven

*Zoe's POV*

I walked down for dinner, but as I approached the dining room, I heard a voice that I didn't recognize. I walked into the room and 6 heads turned my way. But the first person I noticed was a brunette wavy haired female.

She walked over to me and held out her hand.

"Hi! You must be Zoe! I'm Eleanor, but you can call me El!"

Wow, somebody's cheerful.

I forced a smile and shook her hand

"Hello, yes I am Zoe, and nice to meet you."

"Cut out the chit chat and come so we can eat already!" Niall called.

I laughed,

Whoa wait! I laughed?! At something one of the boys said?

Apparently they realized it too.

" laughed! At something I said! Are you feeling alright?" Niall asked me

Well I'm not hungry, so why not fake it? Better than being at the table with a bunch of strangers I thought.

"Um actually, I have a really bad headache. Which I'm blaming you for by the way." I told Niall, glaring at him.

Everybody looked at Niall, for an explanation, and I turned around and went back toward the room that I was staying in. And I heard Niall launching into the story of how he scared the crap out of me earlier.

Just before I went in to my room, I had an idea. Why not look around? I mean, I kinda have to know where everything is. So I took a left down the hallway.

I went into the first door I saw, it was a bedroom. It had painted gray walls with blue curtains and such. I looked at the picture frames and decorations. It was Harry his sister Gemma. (Yes, I know this because I used to watch the X Factor) and some with him and his mom and other family. And of course pictures of all the boys. There wasn't really anything interesting, except there was a trellis growing outside his window. Good to know...

I turned to leave but then I saw a phone, his iPhone, sitting on the dresser.

Oooohhhh, lets try to guess his password!

Hmmmm 1234?





Noooo. I kept trying, but just succeeded in locking him out for a minute.

Dang it.

I would stay and lock him out for a while, but I don't have the patience. Some other time though.

I left Harry's room and went into the door across the hall. It was also a bedroom. But I think it was a guest bedroom because it was painted beige and there wasn't very many decorations. But there was an acoustic guitar in there.

I hesitated, I mean I love playing the guitar, I used to take lessons for years. But what if someone caught me? I heard laughter coming from downstairs, I should be safe.

I picked it up and started practicing with some chords. Then I started playing one of my favorite songs to play on the guitar.

"She knows me well

Bit of a catch

To have a local girl

Hair tied up in elastic band

With a kiss on the cheek

For her one-night man

I don't wanna go alone

I don't wanna go alone

I don't wanna go alone

Tell her that I love her

Tell her that I need her

Tell her that she's more

Than a one-night stand

Tell her that she turns my cheeks

The colour of my hair

All I wanna do is be near

Tell her that I want her

Tell her that I need her

Tell her that she's more than a one-night stand

Tell her that I love her

More than anyone else

If you don't, then I'll tell her myself"

I heard a knock on the door and I jumped. I quickly put the guitar back, and called out

"Come in!"

Niall walked in the room.

"So you play the guitar?"

I laughed nervously "Um what?"

He sat down on the bed next to me.

"I'm not stupid Zoe, I could hear you. And you're really good by the way."

I smiled at him, a real genuine smile.

"Well thanks Niall, but if you tell any of the boys or anyone else about this, you will pay."

He laughed and raised his hands up.

"Okay, don't worry! It'll be our secret. Now, would you like me to teach you some more?"

I stood up and shook my head.

"No thanks, some other time though!" I waved at him and left the room.

That, was close.


A short filler chapter I guess. But there always has to be some of those, ya know?

I have been really sick recently :( I was getting over bronchitis, then I caught a cold, so I just feel horrible. Not to mention nearly choking to death several times. So who's in school? I'm homeschooled but I started on the sixth. No snow days for me :(

Love you!!


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