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"Hey" a deep voice said, shaking Madison out of her trance. She jumped, shocked by the presence of the stranger. He awaited a response but after awhile it was apparent he wasn't going to get one. My names Trent, I've seen you around school" he began, hoping to engage a conversation with the familiar girl. No response. "Can you please answer me because I look awfly foolish here talking to myself." She let out a small giggle. "There you go, I knew you had it in you." She let out a barely audible "hi, I'm Madison, I didn't know you went to Stuy". He laughed. "Yea most people don't, I'm not very popular. But hey you don't look like a typical Stuy student either." This time Madison laughed.

This was true. She didn't exactly fit in with the other students especially with her peircings and blonde highlights starkly contrasting with her deep brown hair. She didn't have to try very hard to succeed in school so she didn't take it as seriously as the other students. This led to some jealousy because most students worked extremely hard for their grades. Unfortunately some of the students even went far enough to start bullying Madison. The bullying was relentless and made the long trip to school in the morning intolerable.

"What a beautiful name." He said making her blush. She awkwardly stared looked at the floor, unable to think of a response. Thankfully he broke the silence. "So what are you listening to?" He asked. She didn't even notice she still had her headphones in. "Oh, Famous Last Words by My Chem. You've probably never heard it"

"Are you serious?!?!" He countered. "My Chemical Romance is one of my favorite bands of all time." "Seriously?" she asked a little confused. Everyone she knew listened to Justin Beiber and Beyonce. They thought her music taste was weird. "Would you like to listen?" She asked quietly extending her hand with a white ear bud in it. "Yea thanks" he said slipping it into an ear hidden by his shaggy hair.

The silenced resumed as they both sat back in their seats enjoying the music. Madison returned to her usual postition, looking out the window. Not wanting the conversation between them to end, he made a desperate decision. "So many, Bright lights that cast a shadow, But can I speak?, Well, is it hard understanding, I'm incomplete?, A life that's so demanding, I get so weak, A love that's so demanding, I can't speak!" he passionately cried out in time to the music banging around in his head. He couldn't believe he was publicly humiliating himself for a girl who hasn't even said 10 words to him, but he just had to see her smile again. That amazing smile that lit up her entire face and ignited flames inside her deep eyes. She needed to smile.

This did it for her of course and she broke out into a fit of laughter. "What are you doing?" She finally managed to spit out inbetween giggles. "I'm singing my favorite song to a really pretty girl, to try and get her to look at me with her gorgeous blue eyes. Cheesy, I know". She couldn't control the huge smile that crept across her face or the violent blush that stained her soft cheeks. She looked away embarrassed. "Who was this guy?" she thought to herself. She knew his name and that they went to the same school but what possessed him to try and talk to her today? She just wanted to be alone, drowning in her troubles and sadness but along he came and in a few minutes had her smiling like a stupid kid. What was wrong with her?

When she was finally able to compose herself she looked at him like he was crazy, and maybe he was, and said "What's wrong with you? We're in public?" and as she uttered the last few words a few giggles slipped out unintentionally. He laughed right along side her, unable to control his own grin. Her smile was so infectious and genuine, it seemed to light up the entire area. He ignored all the weird looks he was getting fro the other passengers. Hell, he forgot he was even on a bus and surrounded by people. He had no idea about the turmoil Madison was dealing with, all he knew was that he wanted to be the reason she kept smiling. Although he had just met her, he sensed she was special. Beside the fact that she was beautiful, and had amazing taste in music, there was something different about her that intrigued him, drew him closer. But how could he ever say that to her.

"You have a beautiful smile." he replied simply. "You just publically humiliated yourself just to make me smile?" she questioned. "Well I wouldn't say humiliated, I mean I'm a pretty good singer right? he joked. "Amazing" she scoffed. She was flabbergasted by how easy it was to talk to this stranger, because ultimately that's what he was. But yet in a few minutes he was able to make her smile, something she genuinely hadn't done in quite some time. "I'm glad you liked it, here's my autograph" he said pulling out a piece of looseleaf from his bag and scribbling down his name and number. He folded it up and handed it to her. "For my biggest fan."

"Thanks" she replied gingerly slipping into her bag. "So can you tell your number one fan a little more about yourself?" As much as he was intrigued by her, she was much more interested in him. "Umm... sure. My full name is Trent Stevens, I'm sixteen years old, and as you know I go to the same Hellhole as you every morning. I moved here from California two years ago, which was ok with me. As you can tell by my translucent skin, I'm not into sunshine." She looked up at him and for the first time, really saw him. He had thick brown hair that was just the right amount of messy. He had these deep green eyes that you could get lost in. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a baggy gray tshirt and a leather jacket casually thrown over it. And a jawline that would make most girls melt. He was pretty much perfect.

At the realization of how attractive Trent was Madison suddenly got embarrassed and fully aware of what a mess she must have looked like. Regardless, she felt like she had to remember every line of his face because it was too good to be true. She would probably never see him again and she would become just another story he told to his friends about the weird girl he saw on the bus.

"So what about you?" his husky voice broke through her thoughts. "Well what do you want to know?" "What your favorite type of tree is." She pretended to ponder this for a few moments, placing a hand on her chin as if heavily in thought. "I guess I would have to say...... Cherry Blossoms." they both laughed. "Ok but seriously, I want to know about you, what you like, what you don't, your favorite movie, your fears..." "ok I like music, writing it, listening to it, composing it, watching the sun set, and cute puppies. I don't like... bugs. My favorite movie is either Titanic or The Little Mermaid" this got a laugh out of him. "and my fear would have to be getting eaten by a giant spider." she finished off causing them both to laugh. "Giant spiders, hmmm seems legit." he replied back to her.

Just then the gurgled voice came over the speaker announcing that it was time for them to get off the bus. They both got up and walked off the bus, upset they had to end their conversation. "How do you take your coffee?" he asked as they began to make their walk down the block to the looming building ahead. "um iced with milk and sugar." what a weird question she thought to herself. "Where are you headed?" he asked. "I have psych first with Leibowitz". "ugh that class is the worst" he groaned in response. "I guess this is where we part then" he said to her. "Until later princess" he said then kissed her hand.


Hey guys, I hope your enjoying the story so far. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Anyway night cuties!

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