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A deep blush took over her face but before she could say anything he was speeding off in the other direction. She took a minute to compose herself before walking into the entrance of the school and swiping her id through the scanner. It was already 7: 40 which meant she had 5 minutes to get to class. Good thing it was on the first floor. She quickly ran to her locker, dumped her stuff inside, grabbed her textbook and rushed down the hall to class. She made it just in time, the blaring alarm sounding as she slid into an empty seat in the back righthand corner of the room.

The teacher called attention to himself to begin taking attendance but Madison's head was a whirlwind of confusion. Her mind was racing with thoughts about Trent. Why did he start talking to her? Was he only pretending to like her because he felt bad for the depressed girl alone on the bus? Where did he speed off to earlier? She couldn't focus on anything but him. She could even still smell his musky cologne. What was happening to her.

"Madison, Madison" "uh here, sorry" she responded totally zoned out.

Her teacher soon began the lesson droning on in his old monotone voice. Soon Madison was lost in her own thoughts again, a million miles away from the psych class taking place all around her. She replayed their conversation in her head, memorizing the way he laughs, the soft smile that plays at the end of his lips when he looked at her, the kind eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. She got butterflies just thinking about him. Then she remembered the paper he had given her earlier and quickly retrieved it from her bag. She slowly unfolded it, trying to be as quiet as possible.

She flattened it out against her desk and smiled at the messaged scrawled inside. Even his handwriting was perfect. The sloping letters blended into one another as if that was exactly where they belonged. She pulled her phone out from her back pocket, being careful to hide it under her desk and typed in his number. Contact name. What should she save it under. After a few minutes of careful consideration she typed in Bus Boy and shut off her phone.

She tried to concentrate on the lesson but found it much easier to concentrate on the slopes of his face. Her stomach was doing backflips and her heart was still racing. What had gotten into her, she must be getting sick she thought. She had never felt like this before, about anyone and that scared her. She had only just met this guy and didn't want to get hurt when it ended up it an inevitable disaster.

She was so lost in her own thoughts, she was startled when Brittney elbowed her. Brittney sat behind her and was really sweet. She was one of the few people at this school Madison considered a friend. They started talking on the first day of school Freshman year when they accidently walked into each other in their anxious confusion. They ended up getting along quite well and helped eachother get acclimated to the new environment. The rest was history. Now two years later, they were really close. No one understood her the way Brittney did. She was sweet, caring, always prepared for anything, and never judgmental. They shared a special friendship filled with love and support.

They both needed one another more then they cared to admit. Madison knew whatever was going on, Brittney was always a text or call away and the same went for Brittney. Over the years they shared numerous laughs, tears, clothes and stories. They knew each other like the back of their own hand. And that is exactly why Brittney knew something was up with her friend, who she was pretty sure, hadn't blinked in 5 minutes.

"What?!?" Madison whispered as she was shook out of her daydream. "What's going on in that head of yours? You've been zoned out for the entire period." "Its nothing" she replied trying to hide the excitement in her voice. "WHO IS IT???" she demanded. Like I said before, they had been through a lot together including crushes, relationships, and breakups. Brittney knew the face Madison made when she was obsessing over a guy. But Madison wouldn't spill.

She turned back around ignoring her friend. The small thud of a crumpled up piece of paper landing on her desk made her smile. She knew exactly who the pink post it was from. She unfolded it and read the sloppy script written inside. "Who is this Prince Charming that has MY best friend in la la land???" It read in hot pink ink. "It's nobody, just some guy I met this morning. We'll talk at lunch." she scribbled back, giving in because she knew she wouldn't hear the end of it if she didn't say a least a little about this mystery guy.

The bell suddenly sounded and the class rose, slowly packing up their stuff. Then they all made their way slowly to the door like a horde of zombies. Madison and Brittney stayed back watching them struggle to get out the narrow doorway. "Well ill see you later Maddie, try not to walk into a pole or something." she said laughing making her way out the door.

"Hi again" a familiar deep voice said from the doorframe.

Hey guys its Skylar and I just wanted to say thank you sooo much for reading! Its unbelievable that this story go over 80 reads in 16 days. I'm so grateful for the feedback I received . Anyway I'm going to start posting Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Hope you guys have an absolutely amazing day and leave me a comment about what you think of the story so far.

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