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*beep beep beep*

"Y/n wake up" Namjoon shook me a little bit. I moaned.

"Guess what you have to do today?"
"Well we" he whispered into my ear.

"Don't tell me I'll ju-"

"We have to baby sit your nephew today" he interrupted me and I moaned even more.

"Fine, I'll just get ready then" I hopped out off my bed fixing my pyjama shorts.
"I forgot how cute those were" he smirked and took a glimpse at my shorts. It was covered with little watermelons and cherries.
I look down at them and smiled too.

I walked to the toilet to wash my self up, my little nephew was gonna get dropped here in a few hours. "Namjoon get ready aswell" I shouted from the bathroom.

I heard him walk here with his big lazy steps. "I've never baby-sitted before except for my self being taken care of"
he mumbled while brushing his teeth.

"Well Thomas isn't exactly the most annoying kid ever, so your fine" I patted his back.

-After we both showered-

"They're coming in 2 hours" I said as I looked at my phone. That was enough time for both of us to get ready.
I decided to change into a baby pink baggy sweater and black ripped jeans. My hair was in a very messy bun but still looked soft. I didn't even want to put on makeup since we weren't gonna go out.

Namjoon was now ready, he wore everything black but it still looked flattering. His blonde hair really stood out. I walked towards him and gave him a morning kiss which I forgot.

"It was about time" he giggled. what a goof.

-2 hours after-

"Hey Thomas!" I smiled and bent down to pick him up. "Do you mind if you baby sit them for a good 6 hours?" My Sister asked. "Yeah yeah sure" I smiled. She kissed me and Thomas' cheeks and waved at Namjoon.

"Bye guys, take good care of Thomas for me!" my sister waved at all of us and we waved back, hoping today wasn't gonna be bad.

Namjoon looked at Thomas with his gummy smile, "So how old are you little guy?"

"I'm 5" Thomas answered with his 5 fingers up.


He nodded enthusiastically.

"You?" he said in a quite voice.


"22?!? Your old" Thomas giggled.

I giggled with him. "Hey 22 is not old" Namjoon said while glaring at you.

"Hey Thomas it's 12:00 now, are you hungry?" I said to him while rubbing my belly.

He nodded slowly. "Okay come on" he held my hand and I took him to the kitchen, with Namjoon following us like a little puppy.

I looked over at Namjoon and signalled him to go play with Thomas while I make lunch.

-20 minutes after-

I hear lots of giggling from Thomas and Namjoon so I decided to get the food ready and check on them.

I walked into the front room to see Namjoon playing with Thomas, there was Lego all over the floor along with his toys. "Your not gonna stop me" Namjoon growled. Thomas was squealing around the room. I stood next to the door smiling uncontrollably. I decided to get my phone out and video this special moment.

I giggled throughout the video biting my lip at how cute they looked. After a good 3 minutes I stopped recording and carried around watching them two play around.

They both noticed I was watching and Thomas came running  and hugged me. "y/n! y/n! stay away from the monster!"

"well I am rap monster for a reason" Namjoon stated out.

"Thomas your lunch is ready in the kitchen" I patted his head. I looked over at Namjoon who was now tidying up the mess on the floor, Thomas had already went to get his lunch. So I just admired my boyfriends ways.

"You look what you see?" Namjoon said. "All the time" I smiled and went up to kiss his lips, which he accepted. "You looked so cute with Thomas" I giggled.
"Yeah he had a lot of fun with me I'm happy now, I thought he wasn't gonna like me because I'm older looking and massive but he's a cool dude," he smiled. "It's funny because I actually started to feel like a..." he stopped.

"Like a what?"

"Like a father" he gave me his gummy smile.

"Really? Aw baby" I tackled him with little kisses.

"Ew stop putting your lips on the monsters face" Thomas said while chewing on his sandwich.

We both laughed at him. "It's called kissing" Namjoon blasted out loud. I hit him quickly, "Your not supposed to teach him what it is" I whispered.

"Don't worry I know what kissing is" Thomas carried on eating his sandwich.

"But your five?" I giggled.

"But I'm smart"  Me and Namjoon laughed so hard at how savage Thomas was.

"Dude high five me" Namjoon went to high five him but he didn't accept.

"HA!! High five me!" I went over to Thomas, but he also didn't accept.

"Cmon Thomas I'm your aunt" I smiled at him.

"I'm your new best friend" Namjoon gave him a piece sign.

He mouth started to form into a smile. "I love you really Auntie Y/N and aunties husband"  he giggled and hugged us both.

"Aw sweety we're not married"

"But you guys act like mummy and daddy"

I didn't say anything but just blush hard.

"Well maybe one day we will be a mummy and daddy" Namjoon explained to Thomas in the simplest way and looked back at you smiling.

This was honestly the most perfect moment.

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