psycho snake

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"Hello children." Niall said smirking "I seemed to have been.." Niall twirled his pointer finger in the air shrugging "walking the hall when I walked past your room and I couldn't help but hear you talking about something pretty interesting."

Harry and Louis paled.

"Well you see. Harry broke my heart. He wasn't committed to our relationship and he wasn't serious causing me to leave him. The whole scene left a rather bad taste in my mouth...."

Louis and Harry were practically shaking.

"I'm still pretty mad though. When Gemma invited me here I was pretty excited, thinking me and Harry could start over, but I saw you." Niall's voice got deeper as he stared coldly at Louis.

"Niall what is this about. Can't you just let go of the past?" Harry said stepping up pushing Louis behind him protectively. Louis put his hands onto one of Harry's shoulders as he looked around his bicep.

Niall scoffed "You see after I left, I kinda went a little crazy..." Niall chuckled raising his eyebrows "It turns out it runs in my family." Niall said smiling and twirling his finger at his head.

"I want you back Harry..." Niall said stepping up and putting his hands on Harry chest.

At that Louis got mad and pushed Niall back shouting "Back off you bipolar bitch!" Niall stumbled but kept that arrogant smirk "I think you both have forgotten what I just overheard..."

Louis clenched his jaw as he stepped back. Harry furrowed his brows "What do you want me to do?"

Niall laughed "Get back together with me, if you don't I'll tell. Then who knows when your family will trust you again. Also I wonder how'd they feel if they found out Louis was a dirty prostitute?"

Louis nostrils flared and tears started forming in his eyes. He was using all his willpower to not beat the shit out of Niall. Harry grabbed Louis's hand rubbing his thumb over it trying to smooth the raging boy.

Niall's lip twitched upwards when he saw that.

Harry let go of Louis's hand and stepped forward muttering "Fine." scowling at Niall.

Louis looked at Harry in shock "But Harry-"

"No Louis it's fine. I'll figure this out." Harry smiled but it was fake. Harry was just trying to comfort Louis.

Niall clapped his hands smiling "Good! Now Louis I expect you to pack your bags and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of okay?" Niall said in a cheery voice waving towards the door.

Louis had a single tear run down his face as he nodded and looked down to the ground. What the hell were they supposed to do now...?





AW MEH GUD 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌚🌝🌝🌝🌝




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