chapter:6 but you can't

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I wake up to sadie on my face. I groan and push sadie off of me. She stirs a little but stays asleep. I shake my head and chuckle a little. My phone starts to ring and I answer without looking.


"Hey Haydn."

"Who is this?" I ask.

"Oh it's Dominic."

"How did you my number?" I don't remember giving giving him my number.

"When you weren't looking I put my number in your phone and texted myself."

"Wow. Why did you call?"

"Um I don't know." He laughs nervously.

"Bye Dom Dom."

"Wait! You're coming to school right?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh ok cool well talk to you later bye!" He hangs up before I can reply. Sadie yawns and puts her head on my back. "Was that your boyfriend?" She teases. "I don't have a boyfriend and that was just Dominic. Get up and get ready for school please. When I leave this room lock it ok?" She nods so I get up to leave. I quickly walk to my room and lock the door. Don't want Rachel walking in on me.

I heard banging and screaming right when I was done putting my shoes on. Sadie! My eyes go wide at that thought and I run to her room to see my there already. "What the hell are you doing?!" I yell.

Her head snaps in my direction and I flinch at her eyes. Great shes high. "I'm trying to punish her for cursing at me yesterday." She slurred. And she's drunk too. Yay me! "You're not touching her." I say through my gritted teeth. She stumbles towards me and gets in face. "Or what?" I scrunch my eyes at her horrible breath. "That's what I thought." She says as I failed to respond. The last time I hit her I was the one who got in trouble for it.

"Just leave us alone!" I snap. She rolls her eyes but walks away. Well she tried walking. I sigh and do the knock. Sadie opens the door with tears on her face. "Shh it's ok sadie she will never get to you." She nods and I pull her into a hug.

"Can we leave already. I don't want to be here anymore." I nod and grab her hand to lead her to the front door. "Hey! Where are you going?" The man from last night asks. I look at him and keep walking.  "Hey I'm talking to you!" He says grabbing my arm roughly. I hiss in pain and he smirks. He squeezes harder and laughs. "Let go bastard." I say. My head goes left from a punch he just gave me. Sadie screams as I cry out in pain. He grips my face and pulls it closer to his. "I didn't like that stunt you pulled last night." He whispers in my ear. "oh yeah? How's your vagina feeling? Did I hit you too hard?" I hiss in pain as he grips harder. "I don't like your attitude." He says and pushes me to the floor. He grabs sadie and she screams and kicks. I quickly get up and punch him in the face as hard as I can grab Sadie. "Don't ever touch my sister you little bitch!" I yell and walk out of the house slamming the door.

"Hadyn your face is starting bruise." Sadie says. "Shit! That little bastard!" I say and look in the mirror that I have in my car.


I put my Hoodie over my head and walk into school.

"Hadyn!" I turn and see Dominic coming towards me. "Hey." I say. "Why do you have a hoodie on? It's still summer." He says. " I know but it's cold in the classrooms." I say with a nod which makes the hoodie fall little revealing a little bit of my bruised face. Dominic gasps and pulls the hoodie off. "What happened?" He asks quietly and softly touches my face. I wince and he pulls his hand away. "What happened?" He repeats through gritted teeth. "Nothing." I lie.

"That not nothing hadyn! Did someone you?" He yells. I sigh and turn to walk away. He grabs my shoulder and turns me back to him. "Who did this?" I look down to see his hands are clenched into fists. "No one I fell." I lie. "Stop lying!" He yells and throws his hands up. "Did you just flinch?" He asks concern laced in his voice. "Why do you care?" I ask.  "Because I do. Is someone hitting you at home?" I try to mask my emotions as he looks at my face trying to search for the answer. "You're not going home tonight. We're going to have a sleep over. I'm going to go with you to pick up Sadie and to get your clothes from your house and nothing is going to stop me from coming with you." He says determined.

My eyes go wide. "No! You can't with me!" His face softens. "So someone is hurting you at home. I use to know someone who was abused at home too. She was beat to death by her father. I knew what was happening but I was too late when I got there to save her." He says softly. "I'm not going to let that happen to you or Sadie." Tears form in my eyes at the thought of being beat to death by my mother. Dominic sees the tears and pulls me into a hug. "It's OK I'll protect you and Sadie." He says trying to calm me down. I pull away and wipe my eyes. " But you can't." I whisper.

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