A Fear Of Ducks:

525 24 13

(Special Thanks to naomi1potter for the idea!)

(This may be long..)

July 30, 7:39 Pm

[Clary Has Entered The Chatroom]

[HotStuff Has Entered The Chatroom]

HotStuff: Come on Clary!

Clary: I can't believe you!

HotStuff: Come on!

[ShadowhunterNerd Has Entered The Chatroom]

[Izzy Has Entered The Chatroom]

[Alec Has Entered The Chatroom]

Izzy: So? How was your Date?

Alec: Who are you talking to?

ShadowhunterNerd: Yeah, all of us have someone special.

[ShadowhunterNerd Sent A Winking Face Emoji]

Izzy: Jace and Clray had a Date at Disney World

Alec: Isn't that a Mundane Place?

ShadowhunterNerd: Did you meet Kylo Ren?!

Clary: Really Simon? You know I don't like Star Wars

Alec: What's Star Wars?

Izzy: From what Simon has said, it's a good Mundane movie series

Jace: I have no idea what any of you are talking about. I'm just trying to get Clary to talk to me

Izzy: What happened?

ShadowhunterNerd: Spill

Alec: .....

Clary: I thought it would be cute if we took a couple picture with Mini Mouse and Mickey Mouse

Jace: Why do we have to talk about this..?

Alec: I've never heard of them

ShadowhunterNerd: I met them once, when I was three...

Izzy: A couple picture would be adorable!

ShadowhunterNerd: Micky Mouse tried to hug me, but I scream and kicked him where no man should be kicked...

Alec: We don't need to here you're back story

Clary: ...

Clary: It was a good idea.

[Clary Sent A Picture]
*The Picture Was Of Clary And Jace Kissing between Micky and Mini Mouse, who where holding hands*

Izzy: That's cute. Simon, we need to do that.

Alec: ... Do you think people would be weirded out if me and Magnus did that?

Jace: ... A man in all black and a man with a very... special taste in clothes... they won't be weirded out at all. Just make sure Magnus is sparkly enough

Clary: Jace!

Jace: I couldn't help myself!

Clary: Ugh!

Izzy: ....

Izzy: So what's the problem? This picture looks fine.

Clary: The Photographer took another picture...
*A Picture Of Jace Punching Donald Duck in the gut. With Mini and Micky standing to the side, with their hands to their heads, and Clary standing next to Jace, with her mouth open, in mid-scream*

Alec: He's gonna feel that tomorrow

ShadowhunterNerd: He's gonna feel that for weeks... have you ever been punched by Jace?

Alec: Yes

Izzy: ...

ShadowhunterNerd: .....

Jace: That was one time! You know I was worked up, yet, you tried to push me!

Alec: ....

Izzy: Why did you punch a person?

Jace: It wasn't a person, it was an evil duck!

Alec: ....

Clary: ....

ShadowhunterNerd: ....

Izzy: ....

Alec: This got weird...

[Alec Has Left The Chatroom]

ShadowhunterNerd: You scared you're Parabatai...

Clary: That's not the worst of it...

[Clary Sent A Photo]
*A Gaurd was standing behind Clary, who had her arms crossed. Jace was being pulled away by two Gaurds, and was in the middle of being pulled backwards in the picture, his mouth open, probully yelling. Donald Duck's head had been knocked off, and he was laying on the ground being Jace, most likely knocked out*

ShadowhunterNerd: Poor Donald Duck

Izzy: If I would have known about where you where going, and that this person would be dressed up like that, I would have warned you.

Izzy: Jace has this deadly fear of ducks.

Jace: They're evil!

Izzy: ...

ShadowhunterNerd: I found something Jace is afraid of, that I'm not afraid of! Ha!

Jace: If you talk to anyone in the Herondale Family, they will all agree with me!

ShadowhunterNerd: I thought they where all dead...?

Jace: ....

Clary: ....

Izzy: ...

[Jace Has Left The Chatroom]

Clary: Now you've done it Simon...

[Clary Has Left The Chatroom]

Izzy: Simon... you're an idiot....

Izzy: You know Jace is a bit touchy when you talk about his Family...

[Izzy Has Left The Chatroom]

ShadowhunterNerd: Why do they keep logging off on me...?

[ShadowhunterNerd Has Left The Chatroom]

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