Chapter 5

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“Are you serious!? What happened next,” Abby asked with an intrigued expression.

We were sitting outside on the forest edge line, talking about everything from old memories to Liam. Right now, I was telling Abby about how two weeks after she joined the Redmoon Pack, three wolves from the pack had found me.

“They demanded that I go back to the pack house with them to see your alpha,” I told her.

“And you refused,” she said, “right?”

“Of course I did,” I've heard stories about your alpha with rouges, “so anyway, I said they would have to kill me before I returned with them.”

“You're going to get yourself killed one of these times Riley,” Abby scolded me but motioned for me to continue with my story.

“I know, I know,” I brushed her off, “anyway, they said something like, 'that can be arranged,' or something so I bolted. I was actually really stupid and ran right to the cliff edge.” Abby gasped, getting so into the story that I think she forgot that I lived though all of this.

“So the three of them cornered me and I panicked,” I said truthfully, “so I jumped.”

“Riley,” Abby yelled at me, “how could you be so stupid?! What were you thinking?”

“Well, I figured that I had a better chance at living if I jumped than if they brought me back to your alpha,” I said, “besides, even if I did die, it would be less painful that way too.” Abby shook her head at me, disappointed in what I did.

“Anyway,” I continued, “once I hit the water, I swam up under this little ledge so that they couldn't see me. Once I was on the ledge, I shifted back to human and hung out there next to the ocean for the night.”

“And you didn't get hurt,” she asked astonished. I answered her by rolling up the bottom of my shorts a little to show her the long cut on my leg. She gasped. And pulled my shorts up more to see it better. I just shrugged, pulling my shorts back down and moving the side of my shirt out of the way to show her how it went all of the way up to my shoulder.

“Originally it went from my knee to my shoulder but it's healed a lot,” I told her, “it's all sealed up now and it's just fading. No big deal.”

“No big deal my ass,” Abby said upset, “you should have gone to get help, that's a really bad injury. You could have died Riley.”

“I didn't need help Abby,” I said, “I went to the storage unit the next day and stitched it all up and everything with the stuff you left there. I can handle it.”

“You're too stubborn Riley,” she said shaking her head, “I'm glad you're okay.”

“On a different note,”Abby said, “how has it been living the life as a human?”

“It's been fine so far,” I said, “but I have gym second period so it's going to be a struggle.”

“Especially because of the alpha blood in you,” she agreed, “you'll think of something.” A faint bell rang from the school building.

“I think that means the assembly is over,” I pointed out, “that means it's lunch time.”

Abby and I stood up, walking back over to the school. When we walked into the cafeteria we said goodbye and she went her separate way to go meet up with Liam so that no one suspected something was up between the two of us. She had told me that she had algebra with me, meaning that we could start talking to each other after that class.

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