Chapter 1

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I woke up, my eyes flickering open as the sun begin to peek over the top of the horizon. I sighed, lifting my heavy head from the hard ground and standing up, stretching my stiff muscles in the process. I sniffed the air quickly, checking for anything unusual before shifting back into my human form. The familiar sound of cracking bones echoed through the silent forest until I stood on two legs. I grabbed my bag from the hollow of the nearby tree I had slept next to and began making my way over to the lake.

I looked at the still water, before stripping down and wadding out until I was up to my ribs in it. The cold water numbed my body while I stood still, dreading going completely under. Finally working up the nerve, I sank down into the dark water getting my long hair wet. Once it was soaked, I stood back up and took the shampoo out of my bag, squirting a small amount into my hand and massaging it into my hair. Once I was all lathered up, I dove underwater, running my hands through my hair to get all of the soap out. Once it was all out, I resurfaced and walked over to the rocks on the edge of the lake.

I washed off my whole body, getting the majority of the dirt off of my body before taking a razor up and down my leg to remove all of the hair. After shaving, I went back into the water and rinsed off, spending a little more time than necessary so I could stall. Finally I got out of the water and shook myself as dry as possible before pulling on a bra and pair of underwear. I reached in my bag and took out my pair of black shorts that didn't quite reach mid thigh and slipped them on. After I pulled on a simple white tank top with a bar code design on the front that read “check me out.” I took a towel to my hair until it was dry and quickly brushed it. I left it down since it naturally dried in these cool curls and instead went to my make up. I put on some eyeliner and mascara before swiping a little light pink lip gloss on.

I took my toothbrush and toothpaste out of my bag, quickly brushing my teeth before putting all of my stuff back into my backpack. While I didn't have much on me, I had everything that I needed. Being a rouge meant that I had to fend for myself, so it was typical to not have many possessions. Luckily for me, my fellow rouge friend Abby had found her mate and joined his pack. Her and I still stayed in contact and she made sure that I had everything I needed, even going as far as to buying a storage unit that she kept stocked with everything I could possibly want or need. I kept most of my things there, only carrying the necessities with me.

I reached down and pulled out my little orange medicine bottle, pulling out one of the small blue capsules and swallowing it. I put the bottle back in my bag before slinging it over my shoulder. I began walking out of the woods, making my way towards town. I ran my fingers through my long wet hair, trying to untangle the knots in it as I went.

After what seemed like only minutes, the sun was now visible in the sky, marking the beginning of the day. I groaned as the paved road came into sight. Why did they have to make this new law? I was perfectly fine on my own, I didn't need to deal with the drama of the Redmoon Pack. Stupid law.

I dragged my feet across the pavement as I made my way over to the yellow bus that was filling up with students to take them to Hancock High School. I sighed, climbing up the steps of the bus. The scent of rouges hit me hard as I looked down the isle at all of the students. There was only one empty seat, conveniently at the very back of the bus. I sighed and slowly made my way to the back as all of the wolves stared at me. I could tell that every one of them was a rouge and they hungrily looked my body up and down as I walked by.

“Hey baby, why don't you come sit on my lap,” one of the boys shouted as I walked by. I shook my head and kept moving down the isle to the last seat. As I walked past the guys, I could hear the low growls, as they looked at my ass. I finally made it to the back seat and sat down, leaning back into the seat and doing my best to relax.

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