Its been a while...

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Oh my... GUYS!!! I can't believe it. I planned to return to this novel MONTHSSSS ago! Time has just flown by too fast. I just wanted to write this little message to you all so you can be aware of what's going on.

First off, I want to give a tremendous THANK YOU to every single human reading this!!!! You have a special place in my heart that will never fade..... even if it means I haven't acknowledged y'all in months.... whoops. BUT I STILL LOVE YOU! You have gotten my novels so popular; I would've never imagined this. So thank you for all of the love and comments and votes and follows and views you have given me even while I was away. Thank you for just being alive. I read every comment and it means SSOOOO much to me that you guys are interested in what I've written.

Secondly, I want to give a giant APOLOGY for the time I've been gone. There aren't enough words to fully explain how sorry I am for leaving for so long. (The last chapter was such a cliffhanger anyways, I'm a monster) But I do have some announcements that may make it up to you guys. I just want to thoroughly apologize for leaving you WAY longer than expected. It's totally not like me, and I regret stepping away for wattpad so much.

And lastly some of the announcements I have to share with you guys:

I have done so much self improvement in these last few months it's insane lol, I feel like a different person. (But still a hardcore writer at heart... that will never change ;) ) I know that is pretty irrelevant to you guys, but I felt like sharing that so you know that the personal time I took off of writing on wattpad I put to good use on myself. ...Plus if I'm more positive there won't be as many heartbreaking endings in these stories ;) but the personal improvement I have done didn't only benefit me; I kept you guys in mind as well. Because...

I AM PUBLISHING A NOVEL !!!! You got that right, you will be able to purchase a book written by your one and only on However, the novel isn't related to the selection; it has a completed different plot line. I'll give you guys more information about it when I get closer to publishing it (which I am getting fairly close) such as what it's about, how much it cost, ect... I wanted to at least give you guys something to say thank you for all the love & sorry for the lack of activity lately. Also, I will be publishing it on wattpad as well so if you don't feel like ordering the hardcopy you can just read it on here, even though the purchase would be greatly appreciated.

And my last announcement is a fairly obvious one: I'm back! This is my first time clicking on the wattpad app in a while so of course I'm not sure how frequently I will be on in the future. But I am going to give my best efforts to continue on this app so I can finish Emily in the Selection book 2. After all you guys really deserve an ending. ...Like really really really really really deserve an ending lol. Please give me a bit more time, even though I know you're tired of waiting, to review what I have already written from months ago so I know where to pick the story up at and resume. I'll post on my conversation board (is that what it's called? Idk, my messages) to let you know where I'm at and when to expect an update. Thank you for understand!

So there you go guys. I thank you SO much for reading this message. I bet you guys thought I would never come back!! ;) again I am greatly sorry for leaving for so long & I'm very thankful for the love you have still given me in the meantime. It's made me so happy & so confident as a writer. Thank you. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3

~ ya girl erica

btw i love u

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