3- Drakkar

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Chapter 3- Drakkar

"Scorpius, you can't seriously be trying this! This is so sick it's almost cruel. If you know I'm homeless, you know I can't go to school! I can't afford the supplies and besides, there's no such thing as magic!" Jenni yells. "Oh really?" He counters. "I got you something. And besides its my first year as well. I can get you all the supplies you need. We have a place for you to stay. Just accept the offer. Here, take this, a peace offering." He says. Before she can realize what's happening she hears a small meow like a cat. Jenni turns around so quick she gets whiplash. In the arms of Scorpius Malfoy is a kitten. A little black fur ball with gleaming bright green eyes. She gasps. Jenni has never owned a pet before. 'We have a place for you to stay. Just accept the offer. Here, take this, a peace offering.' She hears his words in her head again. "You- you got me a cat? Where'd he come from?" She asks unbelievably. He groans as if he doesn't like being praised- or nice. "Drakkar." She states not giving him time to answer the question. She doesn't know where it comes from but the name seems right somehow. She holds out her arms and Scorpius places the cat in her grasp. She cradles him for a few seconds then turns to Scorpius. "Thank you." She says gratefully. This might've been the craziest thing Lee has. ever done-and she's done a lot of crazy stuff- but she says, "I accept."


The Malfoy Manor is the biggest house Lee has ever seen. On the outside fountains and gardens surround a great black castle-like structure that spreads high and wide for what seems like miles. The living room has a handsome, ornate marble mantelpiece with a gilded mirror which has an intricately scrolled frame on top, dark purple walls with dozens of portraits, and a large crystal chandelier hanging beautifully from the ceiling. Sure it is a little dark; okay a lot dark, I mean honestly don't these Malfoy people have any lights? A candle at least? Despite that though it is still the most amazing structure Lee has ever seen let alone been invited into. Large marble pillars towering over her head. She follows Scorpius through dozens of massive corridors and stairwells. He leads her past a shadowed stairwell that she can faintly see bars blocking the entrance. But a horrible thought occurs to her, 'Or they block an exit.' Lee decides not to think the worst of Scorpius just yet. She desperately wants to ask where it leads but she decides against it. "Your name sure is a mouthful isn't it?" Lee asks to fill the eery silence that had taken over. "At least if people are going to hate me I can have a name that they can fear." He says. That pretty much eliminates all conversation from there. So much has happened since this morning she had totally forgotten about the dirty letter burning a hole in her back pocket. Even though she'd read through it time and time again since then the words just keep slipping her mind. 'How could there be a school for witches and wizards if they don't exist?' She asks herself. But she is seriously doubting that theory seeing as how they arrived at the grand mansion. Scorpius had simply whistled and a broom had swooped down to his side floating in mid-air. Not even a normal broom like the Swiffer ones she had seen in stores as she ran away from security guards, but a long wooden branch with straw jutting out at odd angles tied to one end. He had easily mounted it and smirked at her as if daring her to climb aboard. She had given him a dubious look, gritted her teeth angrily, and climbed on clumsily trying to hide the way she tripped hoping he didn't see. She barely remembers soaring through the clouds and the fact that her arms were wrapped around Scorpius' waist the entire time. Mostly she closed her eyes and pretended it was a dream. She didn't have to work hard though. She knew deep down it was a dream. No matter how much she wished her life could be getting better, that she could be lucky enough to have a friend, even one as lousy as Scorpius, and be soaring through the sky on a flying broomstick. No. The more she thinks about it, the more she is convinced. If there really is such a thing as magic then she knew that she wouldn't have been living on the streets for 3 years, having to steal to survive and learn everything by herself, hiding from killers and criminals all her life. No. Magic is nothing but a curse and if the letter is real she vows to rip it up. She will never use magic- ever. That is a promise she knows she can keep.

"Stop. Wait her." Scorpius says and before she knows it a large black wall collides with her body and knocks her backwards. Scorpius (the wall) groans, obviously annoyed, and turns toward Lee who's sprawled on the floor and rubbing her head. "Well get up! We've got work to do." He mutters angrily. For some reason she doesn't enjoy the painful ache she gets in the pit of her stomach when she sees Scorpius angry at her. Sensing that feeling though makes her irritated and more anxious to anger him. She doesn't like being sensitive to his emotions. 'Why does she care about his feelings anyway?' She decides its just because he's letting her stay at his palace. "Well sorry!" Lee exclaims. "Though if that doesn't wake me up I don't know what will." She mutters under her breath. Apparently Scorpius caught it and offers, "I can give you a black eye. It might actually make you look less like a dishrag." Lee scoffs. "How sweet." She says through a forced smile and gritted teeth. "Where is your family anyway?" She asks. "Upstairs waiting to see you." He says monotonously. Lee finds it odd how he talks of his family. She aways guessed at how a family acted together. It never came to the outcome of her relations with her family. But it seems as if Scorpius and his family are nothing like a picture out of her imagination. "They know I'm coming?" is all she can think to say. He only nods. She takes that as a silent gesture to shove off. They walk into the room and she's immediately taken aback by what she sees. "Hello. You must be Jennelise." A voice says. Jenni screams.

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