"Those of who are born at twelve
A prophecy made for themselves
A newly born on each new year
For which the magic will disappear
The boy that destroyed fear itself
Has a girl that can bring fear back to health
The shadows of these must never see light
The snake sleeps long through the night
When the stars don't shine so bright
That's the time light needs to fight" An ethereal voice whispers in the ears of Jennelise Rhowan. An average everyday 11 year old that has a perfect family, loving German Shepard named Tank, and perfect grades- No. Is life ever that easy? If you're life is as wonderful as that don't take it for granted. Because she's not so lucky. Lee's life is anything but easy. Lets start from the beginning...
For 8 years Lee grew up in Little Whinging, Surrey waking to the sound of her mom yelling at her and always beating her. One day Jennilise just walked out the door and never came back with nothing but a scar and a black eye to stand for it. Sarah Rhowan, her mother, had left a snake shaped curl down the side of her forearm, bloody and dangerous. Her father died before she was born and so all Lee had to do now was survive. She has never seen her mother again.
~3 Years Later~
Lee walks through the doors to the nearest gas station, Quik-Mart store. She casually walks to the food aisle and simultaneously starts shoving food in the pockets of her jacket, another stolen item from a department store back in Dufftown. Its a blue button down with soft wool on the inside. Shes also wearing blue jeans and black converse(also stolen). When her pockets are so full with junk food they're slightly cascading over the brim she puts on a face of fake disappointment and shuffles to the door. "Not to your satisfaction?" The clerk asks in a heavy accent. Lee apologizes quickly and shakes her head. "Thanks but no thanks. Have a good day." she waves and is right about to open the door when a loud yell of anger pierces the atmosphere, "Hey!" And she starts running. She's always running. She never stays anywhere for more than a week. She has to steal to survive. 3 years ago she would've been astounded by her future self but now she has no choice. She taught herself how to read well and spends most of her time in the library when she's not stealing simple life necessities. Since she can't afford to go to school she does most of her studies by reading books in the library, a warm place to stay with a roof overhead and many books to read. Really she's probably wiser than most in her year. It's easier to learn by studying and reading than the rubbish they teach in schools. Lee didn't want to be stupid, no matter what it took she wanted to learn so she could grow up, get a degree, and get a job so her family would never be as miserable as her.
She sighs and walks through the doors of the library. She saunters through the shelves trying to remain discreet and slowly makes her way to a corner in the back. Sometimes she sleeps here, sometimes in a department store, or she sets up camp in an alleyway. Lee has a few survival instincts and tough characteristics. She's clever, sly and strong. She's also fast. After 6 years on the streets you learn things. Especially in London.

The Heir Of Slytherin
FantasíaJennelise ran away when she was 8 years old. Her mother was a drunken crazy woman that beat Jenni on countless occasions. A life on the road is better than a life of pain. Why won't the stupid Malfoy boy leave her alone? Why does everyone she meet m...