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  A/n: so this is my first story so I apologize if it sucks. This is a Larry fanfic so if you don't like Larry please stop reading now. Also I know Zayn is no longer in One Direction, but in this story he still is. It's fan FICTION for crying out loud. Anyway I hope you enjoy the story!


Louis' P.O.V

"That was amazing!" Zayn squeals jumping up and down like a child that had to much candy and was currently on a sugar rush. We had just finished our last concert of our tour and we're heading home in the morning.

"I know, probably one of the best from this tour!" Liam agrees as he grabbed a water and sat down on the couch in the dressing room while tossing Niall a bag of crisps, which Niall gladly excepted giving a quick thanks before pouring practically the entire bag in his mouth getting crumbs all over the couch.

But only mere seconds later Paul enters the room "Boys! Get up and head out to your cars. We've got a flight early in the morning and I don't feel like dealing with you guys while your cranky, especially you Louis." Paul said pointing his finger as I raise my arms up in defense. " alright, let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Paul Starts to chant as we begin to exit. We made our way out to our cars; Liam riding with Zayn, me riding with Harry, and Niall riding with Paul. Harry and I hop into the car, with him in the driver's seat and me in the passenger's, and I can't help but admire how some of his curls are plastered to his forehead from prancing around on stage, nowhere near graciously but he still looked perfect to me. So I may have a small crush on the curly haired lad... or maybe I've been madly in love with him since we were formed into a band on X-Factor. I've wanted to tell him for as long as I can remember, but I don't want to ruin the amazing friendship we have. But on the other hand, not telling eats away at me more and more everyday.

"Um, Lou?" My train of thought is broken as I snap my head up for my eyes to meet the beautiful green ones staring back at me with a worried expression plastered across his face. "You kind of zoned out on me." He chuckled his dimples making an appearance.

"Oh, sorry about that Haz I was just...thinking." I said, but I could tell that Harry knew there was more than I was letting on.

"What about?" He asks casually. You know just how I'm madly in love with you but I don't have the balls to tell you.

"Um, just stupid random things." I state with a shrug, I can tell that he isn't buying it but he drops the subject. The next few minutes were silent. I couldn't help but stare as he stuck his tongue out slightly trying to concentrate and I can't contain it any more. "God Harry I love you so much." I blurt before my brain has time to convince me not to say anything. I quickly cover my mouth after I realize what I just did.

His eyebrows knit together, but then he barks out a laugh "I know that Louis, I love you too."

"No, you don't understand." I mentally slap myself for not thinking before I say this stuff. Oh well here goes nothing. "Look Harry I don't just love you, I'm in love with you. I have been since X-Factor." I state opening my eyes not even realizing I had closed them. I look at him and can't read his expression. Nor can I tell if it's good or not.

He finally finds a way to stutter out "W-what?" He ask turning towards me. I open my mouth to speak, but before I can respond a loud honk and bright lights take my attention and then all of a sudden it went dark.


A/n: heyyy sorry if this is awful, but like I said this is my first story. Please tell me what you think and thank you for reading!

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