Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

I fluttered my eyes open to see a sleeping Louis curled up to my side. I decided against telling Louis I knew last night and just acted normal. I was going to tell him I remembered today, and tell him I saw it in a dream or some bull shit like that. I didn't want to tell him I found out when eaves dropping on his conversation, he'd hate me.

I heard a muffled sound, I looked down to see Louis eyes open. "Good morning Hazzabear." He yawned causing me to smile. How he looked beautiful with bed head I'll never know.

"Morning Lou." I looked down at him. "Look Louis, I have something important to tell you." I said and he quickly got up to sit on the couch and motioned for me to go on. "I remembered something else." I mumbled.

"Harry! That's great!" He jumped up excitedly but sat back down noticing I wasn't as cheerful about it. "Why aren't you as excited as I am?"

Here goes nothing. "Well I remember the accident, when me and you were in the car." I said and his face paled.

"What exactly did you remember?" He fumbled with his fingers.

"Y-you told me you loved me. Not just loved me, but you were in love with me." I said and his eyes began to water. After a long silence I spoke up. "Did you mean it?"

"W-what?" His head shot up.

"Did you mean that you were um, in love with me?" I knew the answer but I wanted to know for sure.

"Of course I did, Harry." He scoffed standing up. "And I know now you're disgusted and don't even want to be my friend anymore." He turned to walk away but I grabbed his wrist and turned him towards me. "What are you-"

I cut him off by crashing our lips together. He didn't kiss back at first, but I'm assuming that was from initial shock. But soon he was kissing me back. He put his hands in my hair and I put mine on his hips. I ran my tongue against his bottom lip asking for entrance, which he immediately  allowed.

Our tongues battled for dominance, but I eventually won. My tongue roamed his mouth, savoring the taste. He did have morning breath, but it was still perfect. His thin lips fit perfectly with my plump ones, like they were made for each other. Eventually we had to break apart gasping for air. "I love you too, Louis." I panted.

He smiled and pressed his lips back onto mine. Unfortunately it was cut short. "Hey guys I was wondering what you wanted for breakfa– what the hell?" Liam screeched causing Lou and I to break apart. Damn cockblock.

"Hey, Li. What were you asking?" Louis asked casually as if Liam hadn't walked in on us snoging each other's faces off.

"Um I wanted to know what you wanted for breakfast." He stated slowly still confused.

"Erm, French toast I guess?" Louis glanced at me and I nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to go to the kitchen now." Liam pointed to the kitchen and walked away still shocked.

All of a sudden I was grabbed by the waist and I yelped. Mine and Louis faces were mere inches apart. "Now where were we love?" He said into my ear. Causing me to smirk before kissing him once more. This one was short and sweet but still just as amazing. "God I've wanted to do that since X-Factor." He sighed in relief showering me with kisses all over my face.

"Okay, okay!" I giggled.

"Breakfast!" Liam shouted. I heard a couple doors open to reveal a sleepy Zayn and Niall. Me and Louis pulled apart not wanting to be questioned by them.

"We should probably go get breakfast." I said and he nodded I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen. All the boys glanced up at us. While Niall and Zayn looked back down at their food, Liam's eyes lingered. We all finished our food and Niall and Zayn left the room to go play some game.

"Look I didn't want to say anything with the other guys around but I need answers before my head explodes." Liam stated bluntly.

Louis sighed and looked to me for my approval and I nodded. "Harry and I are together? Or not together? We don't really know what we are right now, all we know is we love each other and we want to be together." He smiled, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently.

"Well I'm happy for you guys. Did you tell the other boys?" He asked and we shook our heads. "Well you should probably tell them, they'll want to know. Especially Niall, he's wanted you together since we met." Liam laughed leaving the room.

"Louis?" I whispered.

"Yes, love?" He smiled fondly at me.

"What are we?" I glanced up at him. "I mean are we dating? Are we boyfriends? Are we friends with benefits?"

He got up and lifted me up with him. "Harry Edward Styles, would you do me the great honor of being my boyfriend?" I didn't respond, only pressed my lips against his. We moved them together, not taking it any further until he broke our kiss. "So wait I just want to clarify, that was a yes right?"

"Of course it was yes! You dork." I rolled his eyes, smacking his arm playfully and he kissed him again but then I broke it this time. "Wait Lou there's something else I haven't told you." I pulled away from him entirely.

"What?" His eyebrows knitted together.

"I don't just remember that night I remember everything." I said smiling proudly.

"Harry! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" He threw his arms around my neck holding me  tightly. "C'mon we should probably inform Niall and Zayn about the good news." He said pulling me into the lounge. All the boys looked up, but soon Niall and Zayn were looking down at our intertwined fingers. They paused the game and Zayn walked over to us.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here." He said smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Me and Louis are officially a couple now." I breathed out and looked at my beautiful boyfriend.

"Well it's about damn time!" Zayn exclaimed and chuckled.

"My OTP coming to life? I need to sit down." Niall grabbed his head in his hands.

"Niall, you are sitting down." Liam pointed out. Causing the rest of us to laugh.

"Oh and Harry also has his memory back!" Louis shouted causing even more commotion than there was already. Mostly of the boys congratulating Me on my memory or me and Louis on our relationship. All I could think was this is the best day of my life.


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