How You Met

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Harry - "GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat shouted, causing the table bathed in red and gold to burst into cheers. The hat was removed from your head and you stood, slowly making your way over to the table. As you approached, a section of students scooted over, creating room for you to sit down.

You remained silent, but nodded politely, as the Gryffindors around congratulated you, introducing themselves in the process. Being a transfer from Beuxbattons, you were nervous about the new school after leaving all of your friends in France.

Suddenly, there was movement to your left and you turned to find a boy with dark, messy hair and crooked glasses watching you with sympathy.

"Erm-hello." He said awkwardly.

"Hello." You nodded, trying your best to give a smile.

"I'm Harry." He said politely, though his tone was flustered.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." You smiled. "I'm Y/N."

Ron - You were on your way back to your common room, hoping to get some homework done before dinner, knowing that Snape's essay on shrinking potions would take some time to complete.

You glanced down at the books you were carrying, and in that split second, someone crashed into you, knocking the books out of your arms and sending you both tumbling to the ground.

"Oi! Watch where you're hea-who are you?"

You looked up to find a boy with violently ginger hair and freckles staring at you.

"I'm Y/N, and I have homework to do." You said, attempting to sound annoyed.

"Sorry, I guess I could watch where I'm going too." The boy shrugged, climbing to his feet and offering you his hand. "I'm Ron by the way."

Draco - You'd seen Draco before, in class, or around the Slytherin common room, but you'd never talked to him before, thinking him to be stuck up like most of your fellow Slytherins. Now you watched him as he walked through the halls, accompanied by Pansy Parkinson, who was touching his shoulder with one hand, and flipping her hair repeatedly with the other. She batted her eyelashes at him as she spoke, and as they walked closer, you could pick up some of their conversation.

"-so, what do you think?" Pansy asks.

"Sorry, Pansy, but I have plans tonight." Draco said, obviously uneasy.

"Oh, what are you doing? Maybe I could join you." Pansy said insistently.

"I'm actually-" Draco suddenly caught sight of you, and as your eyes locked, he the edges of his mouth tilted up slightly. "I'm going on a date."

"With whom?" Pansy sounded appalled.

Draco ignored her and walked over to you. "Thanks for waiting for me, babe." He said casually, wrapping an arm around your waist. You stared at him, shock written all over your face. Draco leaned in and kissed your cheek, and as he did so, he whispered, "Please play along."

"No problem." You managed to say, trying to sound casual. Your mind was whirring, one second you're leaning against the wall, minding your own business, the next Draco Malfoy has asked you to pretend to be his date. You didn't know him too well, but you decided to go along with it, not knowing what else you could do.

"When did this happen?" Pansy asked, horrified. "Draco, who is she?"

"My name's Y/N, and he only asked me yesterday." You said as casually as you could manage. Pansy huffed and marched away.

Once she was out of sight, Draco relaxed and pulled his arm away. "Thanks, you're a life saver!" He exclaimed.

Fred - The signs were everywhere; in the halls, the common room, even in the girl's toilets, reading "Volunteers wanted for product testing, see Fred and George Weasley". It was insane, the amount of unexpecting, innocent first years lined up in Gryffindor tower, about to be used as lab rats.

You and your friend Hermione both disliked the twins for doing this each and every time they came up with a new product, though Hermione definitely knew more about the pair than you did, as you had never even met them personally. This time, though, you both knew that they had gone too far, with double their normal crowd of first years lined up, you both decided in that moment that they needed to be stopped for good. The two of you marched to the front of the line where Fred and George were handing out their toxic candies. They looked up at the same time, each wearing a goofy grin.

"'Mione." One of them said, nodding at her.

"And who's this?" The other asked, turning to look at you.

"This is my friend Y/N." Hermione said semi-impatiently.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N." They said in unison, still passing out sweets.

One of them smiled at you and said. "I'm Fred, and this is George."

"This is lovely, but we didn't come here to introduce you." Hermione said, clearing her throat. "Its not right what your doing here, and with double the victims, its more likely that someone will get seriously hurt."

"Oh, this again." Fred rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the puking child kneeling in front of him.

"We've changed things up a bit since you lectured us last time." George explained patiently. "See, these are Skivng Snackboxes, you bite one end and you get sick, you bite the other end off and its like nothing ever happened. We tested them on ourselves first, now we're just fixing the smaller bugs, and seeing if the reaction is the same with everyone. Its perfectly safe."

"Its still not allowed, what you're doing here, and as a prefect, I may have to report you to Professor McGonagall if you don't stop this." Hermione insisted. "What do you think, Y/N?"

You hesitated as Hermione and the twins stared at you expectantly.

"Well, if they can reverse the effects..." You said slowly, almost hating to admit it. Fred began to smile at you. "Then I don't see the harm."

Hermione groaned and walked away, while the twins stood and smiled at you.

"Welcome to the dark side." Fred grinned mischeviously.

George - (you've known each other from school for years this is just where I wanted to start the story.) Why are you worrying about you-know-who? You should be worrying about u-no-poo, the constipation sensation that's gripping the nation." You read the large sign in the window of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and chuckled lightly as you headed inside the shop located on the bustling street, Diagon Alley.

It was mental, how many people were crammed into the shop with overflowing boxes on every single shelf. You walked through the aisles of shelves, navigating your way through the crowd.

"Can I help you find something?" You jumped when you heard the voice come from behind you, and turned around to find a tall, redheaded teen in magenta robes smiling at you.

Neville - You were in greenhouse six, waiting for Professor Sprout to appear and begin the Herbology lesson, when someone tripped, apparently over their own feet, and landed on the ground next to your chair.

"Are you all right?" You asked, hurriedly leaning over to help the person up, and as they got to their knees, you came face to face with a dark haired boy whom you vaguely recognized from brief meetings in the school halls throughout your six years at Hogwarts.

"I'm... great." Said the boy, staring at you oddly before muttering, barely audibly, "Now, anyway."

"Right, well, I'm Y/N" You said slightly awkwardly, though you smiled at the boy.

"I'm Neville." The boy said with a large, toothy grin.

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