Chapter 8

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The minute the the liquid touched my lips, it burned. But it was too late to spit it out. I had already swallowed it.

It burned going down. And I mean really burned. But as soon as I went to puke, the pain stopped. It felt good now. It tasted good. Like something that was sweet and sour at the same time. " A couple more sips won't hurt." I said raising the glass to my lips again.


I didn't realize the drink was gone until I actually looked down into the glass. My head had started hurting and my eyes were getting sore.

I tried to open my mouth to speak, but no words came out. My tongue was numb. Every second that passed was a second the pounding in my head got worse.

God, what was in that? If I could form the words to speak, I could ask the guy who made it. "Pa-", the rest of the name stuck in my throat, which no longer felt so good. The soothing feeling had been replaced with the same burning feeling i got from the first sip.

"Pat-" , i sqealed. Alright, doing good. I thought. We're making some progress."Patch!", I managed to spit out. And i was feeling rather proud of myself... until I realized he wasnt even in my general area. I sighed and tried again. "PATCH" I yelled. I was beginning to get control of my voice again. Patch turned around and i waved for him to come over to my general direction.

He leaned against the counter like any true bartender would. "What can I get you, Bella?"

"Oh, most poeple just called me Issy." My voice still sounded like i just drank a glass full of razor blades.

"Not Asher. He calls you Bella." He said it so casually, while it sent sivers up my spine.

"He talks about me?" It was getting really hard to focuse

 "All the time."

I shook my head. Which in retrospect, was a very shitty idea. I stopped after about two shakes because the pain was becoming unbearable. "That can't be right. I've only known him for-" I couldn't remember how long I'd known him for, "A few days." I don't know. it was the best guess i could make

Patch laughed. "He's been talking about you longer than that, honey." he waved his hand. "Off topic. What did you call me over for?" he rubbed his upperlip where a blonde mustache had been growing for quite a few years.

Too bad that hair wasn't on his head. I thought and giggled. Then i rememebered i was in the middle of a conversation. "I was wondering what was in that drink."

"The Pina Colada? Why its just coconut-"

"Not that one." I lifted my arm, which was getting heavier by the second, and pointed to Ashers empty seat. "His."

Patch's eyes grew hard. "You didnt drink his did you?" Something about the way he said it made me laugh.

"Isabelle.", he leaned over the table and grabbed my shoulders. "Tell me you didn't drink it." I knew he was being seious, but i couldnt take him seriously with his funny bald head. so i just nodded and laughed.

I heard him mummble something, but I couldnt hear what it was correctly, but I would bet good money that it was something along the lines of a 'goddammit'.

"Listen to me." he said. This time loud and clear. "you need to find Asher, and you need to find him now."

He sounded so serious. 

It made me laugh.

"Why? It's just a drink." I looked down at the red stained glass which now looked more like a disoriented vase. shifting and changing shape. "Wha-" I looked up. The entire room was begining to shift. I shut my eyes. The sounds began to fade. My head was pounding inside of my skull. Louder and louder. It hurt to think. To breathe. The pounding went from needles to hammers inside my head. I couldnt scream. My throat was on fire. my eyes stung as if I had walked into a cloud of smoke. It was unbearable, I was pretty sure I was dying.

Then it was gone. All of it.

I opened my eyes. Expecting to see the club again and the flashing lights. Only I wasn't there.

I was in a forest. 

The lights replaced with a dim moon, the people replacd with trees, the music replaced with silence.

"What the fuck?" my voice echoed, carried by the silence of the night.

"Come on!" I heard a voice say. A girls voice no doubt. Thick with what i only assumed to be an english accent.

 I turned around and saw a girl with long wavy red hair down to at least her hips and very pale skin. She was wearing a red dress that fell to the floor.

But as she walked closer I realized it wasnt a regular dress, but a gown.

"You're so slow! Hurry up!" There is was. That accent. I was about to respond when I heard a voice answer back for me. A voice that gave me the chills whenever I heard it.

"Calm down Clarisse! I'll get there." No. It couldnt be! But when i turned around i was faced with same set of eyes that hadn't left my mind for days.

But this time they werent set on me. But the girl in front of me.

"Move faster, Asher! we haven't got all night!" She ran right up to him. and gave him a big hug.

He was dresses as if he was from the Shakesphere era or somthing. i mean tights and everything.

I mean, i never said it was a bad look or anything.

"We can if you want." He smiled. "Have the whole night, I mean."

"I've been waiting for it." She let go of him and motioned to her gown. "I wore the right color for it didn't I" she giggled again.

"Well who am i to keep you waiting." He smiled but this time it was different. it wasnt a cute smile. it was a dangerous one. That's when i saw it. The two fangs from in his smile.

I screamed. They didn't notice.

She tilted her head. And closed her eyes.

And he sank his fangs into her throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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