Chapter 3

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When I finally opened me eyes, I was in my room. My boring old eggshell white room. Same clothes as the day before. Or what I guessed was the day before.

I wasn't really keeping track of time.

I had the faint remembrance that I had a dream but couldn't remember. Like having the name of a song that's been stuck in your head for a week on the tip of your tongue.

I shook the feeling off and slid to the side of my bed. I wasn't quite sure if I could trust myself to stand quite yet and I could still feel a pounding in the back of my damn-ass head.

I slowly stood up and walked up to my mirror. "Holy shit." I mumbled as I slid my fingers over the bags under my eyes that suggested I had been out for more than just a few days. My skin looked a sick pale, which caused my eyes to look a bright emerald green. I still didn't feel hungry. Which was odd considering I kind of love food.

I sighed and checked my closet for a fresh outfit. I grabbed the first thing I saw. An oversized sweatshirt and a comfy pair of sweatpants. "Fine by me." I yawned. Despite being out for however the fuck long. I was still tired. I slipped the dirty clothes off, and the clean ones on and got back in my bed.

Right as I was getting comfy, I heard my door open.

"Isabelle." Whispers my visitor. I could already recognize from her voice that it was Kim.

"Isabelle?" She says again. This time she comes over I me and pushes my shoulder. "Isabelle, I know your awake."

"What?" I groaned as I rolled over to face her.

"How are you feeling?"

"About the same way I look."

"Dear god." She shook her head.  

"Why don't you wear makeup?" She asked.

"Are you implying I need it?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Of course not, but it wouldn't hurt to show of your features. I mean, you have beautiful eyes." She beamed.

It was like someone just punched me in the face. Well, maybe not to that extent. But I had heard that before, but I couldn't remember where. Once again, I got the feeling I should be remembering something that just didn't want to be remembered. Like someone just clicked backspace on my thoughts.

"Um, if I might ask. What happened?" Kim got an uneasy look on her face.

"You don't remember?"

"Yup, totally. That's why I'm asking. To see if our stories match up." I gave her a look to which she rolled her eyes.

"Well, from what I've heard, you were in the far bathroom trying to summon Bloody Mary or some shit, when she possessed you and made you pass out. No one actually saw you, but that's just what I've heard." She said in a rather sarcastic tone.

I groaned again and sank my face into my pillow. "And who exactly started that?" I said in a muffled voice through my pillow. I was surprised when she didn't ask me to repeat what I had said.

"Just the one and only Marsha Grover." She tossed her hair back and gave a pageant girl smile.

"Well that's just great." I unstuck my face from my pillow and turned to face the ceiling.

Marsha Grover has hated me ever since I started High school. Don't know what I did or how I did it. But she didn't like me for whatever reason. I don't thing I ever even said two words to her before she started this distinct hate for me. She's pretty much a sit-in-the-back-of-the-classroom- and- not- say -anything kind of girl. Her short curly brown hair did nothing for her slim face. Compared to the rest of the school, she was a twig. Not a healthy twig. Just a twig.

Suddenly a question hit me. "How did I get home if no one actually saw me?"

"Oh, someone saw you." She looked at me strait in the eye. "And everybody saw him."

A feeling of dread and nausea washed over me. "Oh god." I put my face in my hands and rubbed my eyes. I looked back up at her. "Please, for the love of god. Tell me it wasn't him."

She dropped her gaze to the floor. "I saw him carrying an unconscious you down the halls towards the nurse's office. And let's just say, I wasn't the only one who saw."

"And who else saw?" I grumbled.

"It would take less time to tell you who in the school didn't see. In case you didn't know, someone carrying a person to the nurse isn't something we see everyday. It was kinda a big deal for, well, the school." She explained.

"Oh my god." Well, that was it. Any sliver of invisibility I had earned through high school was gone.

"On the bright side, that Ace guy is kinda cute." She gave me her best empathy smile and I couldn't help but grin.

"Asher. His name is Asher." That was definitely a name I wasn't going to forget soon. I looked back up at her and smiled. "The hell did you get Ace from?" She sat down next to me and punched my arm.

"Shut up!" She laughed as we continued talking.

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