A Year in Time

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A pounding made the door shake as Harry called out, "C'mon, 'Mione! We're going to be late!"

Hermione shot a glare at the door and refused to respond. They were not going to be late. And, besides, it would be a nightmare getting there on time. She was sure Mr. Diggory had invited every wizard and witch in all of the British Isles to celebrate his son winning the tournament.

It would also be the last time she got to see Viktor as he would be playing Quidditch for the test of the summer, and then she would be at Hogwarts.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to use more of the scar cream so she could wear short summer robes, or if she should wear her more standard robes. The ones Aunt Andy had designed and charmed for her.


"Hold your hippogriffs, Harry! We're not going to be late!" she shouted back, never turning her eyes away from the two robes lying across her bed.

After a moment she decided that much as she liked Viktor, this party wasn't worth one of the rare uses of the cream. She didn't know how many times she could use it before it stopped working.

Better to save it.

Her mind decided, it only took two minutes to throw on her robes, adjust them correctly, then slip on her ankle boots. The heels on them gave her just enough height to be able to look Harry in the eyes, even if he was still a bit taller than her.

The pounding started again on the door and she stormed across her room, opening it so fast that Harry almost fell forwards.

"Honestly! What do you care if we're late or on time?!?"

"Ron heard that Cedric Diggory is going to arrange a pickup Quidditch game. I'm sure he'll be one of the seekers. I want to be the other one."

She rolled her eyes, "You're the youngest seeker in a century. You've never lost a game in your life. Do you really think you won't be?"

"But Diggory's girlfriend is Cho Chang, and she's the-"

"Ravenclaw seeker, I know."

"And then Viktor Krum will also be there. And he played in the World Cup! Malfoy is also supposed to be there, and he's also a seeker! I need to be there early if I want to play. You know I'm terrible at the other positions."

"Harry, you're not terrible. Ron's just a great keeper, no one scores against him. Except Ginny, and she only manages half the time."

"And what if I end up on a different team than Ron? We need to get there early."

Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes, but went to grab her little knit bag. If she got bored she could keep working on expanding it inside. So far she had been able to manipulate the size extension charm, but had been unable to make it infinite without losing everything she put inside.

Maybe a locater spell...

"Here 'Mione."

She looked with semi-distaste at the broom Harry was holding out for her. It was a very nice, safe broom. But that didn't mean she enjoyed being on it.

But they didn't have much choice. They couldn't apparate and the floo network would be overloaded with people from farther away. And there was no way Harry would walk when he could fly. There were no muggle houses between them and the Diggory's.

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