New Marauders

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"You're very determined."

Sirius smirked, "I never give up."

She smirked back, "And I never surrender."

He leaned back in his brand new office chair, it still had a stiffness to it he was determined to get rid of.

"Yet you finally agreed to an interview."

"I agreed to an interview. Who's to say I'm not the one interviewing you?"

Sirius gave a small bark of laughter. He'd sent Alianore Roux an offer to teach after hearing Harry tell about his DaDA experience of the past year. How the basic occlumency he and Hermione had learned in the 'detentions' had helped them when Harry was kidnapped. How even now it was letting them work with and control their blood ward bond.

Anyone that could teach Harry to order his mind had to be an excellent teacher.

Not to mention all of her dueling awards.

"I never said I was interviewing you. I decided to hire you after talking to Albus Dumbledore and my own children."

She scoffed, "Oh, really?"

"Really. Harry knows defense and Hermione knows education. Their words, combined with Albus' recommendation was enough."

She eyed him suspiciously.

"You were one of the best aurors. Only Alastor Moody outnumbered you on successful cases, but you were catching up, and still had many years to surpass him - if you hadn't resigned. I've only ever taught children or dueled in monitored duels. I plan to return to dueling. Not teaching defense."

He opened a file in front of him and held up the contract inside.

"Dueling and teaching don't need to conflict each other. And I never planned to have you teach defense. Remus has that under control, with my cousin, Tonks, assisting him. Besides, this is an academy, not a school. You can set your own times and even locations for classes. You want to go to a dueling competition in Brazil? Make it mandatory for everyone to participate. Give them bonus points if they last longer than you. Challenge them, do what you would like. And, of course, these dueling field trips would be funded by the students' tuition. Take a look."

She took the contract from him and began reading.

While she studied the contract, he studied her.

She wasn't very big, that was for certain. And her scarlet hair gave her a wild look that likely would terrify students if they angered her.

And from her letters, he was fairly sure she'd fit right in here at the Marauder's Academy.

He still had trouble believing it was falling into place so well. Especially since it had come from Xeno when they were all a bit sloshed.

With Alice and him funding things and acting as co-directors, Remus and Tonks organizing the defense curriculum, and Arthur managing the actual academy, they were doing well. They just needed an experienced dueler to handle the dueling side.

He heard Miss Roux gasp and he grinned. She must have just seen the salary.

It was amazing what students were willing to pay to learn dueling and defense. Not that they wouldn't offer some free basic classes. It was good for taxes. Not to mention that he thought everyone had a right to learn the basics of defending themselves against Death Eaters. Also, it was a great way to train and recruit Order members. Oh, and host Order meetings right under the nose of the Ministry - like they planned on doing later this afternoon.

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