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Rodolphus had simply been standing there, his wand trained on Draco, but doing nothing as he listened in awe to the voices of long ago. This ended when Draco pressed his dagger into Hermione's hand. His eyes widened and his arm drew back, preparing to cast a spell even as Hermione took off, holding the dagger low, ready to slip it between Bellatrix's ribs.

Draco moved then, trying to make up for his earlier failure at stopping the man, his uncle, from casting a spell and harming Hermione.


Light shot out of Draco's wand, hitting his uncle full in the chest and sending his wand flying up into the air. Rodolphus stood there for a half-second, staring stupidly at his now empty hand, not even thinking to reach over and yank his wife out of Hermione's way.

Bellatrix's mouth opened in a soundless scream as the knife pierced her heart, her own wand and dagger falling to the ground seconds before she did.

Hermione landed on top of the recently deceased witch and Rodolphus moved, reaching down to grab her, rage and grief twisting his face, but he never had time to lay a finger on her.

"Stupefy!" Draco roared, moving forwards.

The man crumpled and Hermione slowly sat back up, her face pale even as she panted for breath. She looked up at Draco and he didn't think he'd ever seen her look more beautiful.

He smiled, "You alright?"

She thought for a moment, looking down at her bare limbs, before slowly nodding. "You know, I think I am."

He reached down a hand and helped her up, "Good. Because this isn't over yet. We've still got some roosters that need to go meet a snake. Not to mention the Dark Lord."

She bent down and yanked the dagger out of Bellatrix's chest, wiping it off on the dead woman's robes before handing it to him. "You're right. Tie him up and I'll find some clothes. I think I have a few muggle pieces stuck away in my bag." She gestured to where it had fallen on the ground when her clothes disappeared. "For just in case."

Draco proceeded to do as she asked, keeping a careful eye out as she pulled a pair of muggle jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt that said something about Minding the Gap. He wondered at it, but didn't care enough to ask.

"Ready?" he asked as he checked the tightness of the ropes on Rodolphus.

"Yes." She grabbed her drawstring bag and tied it to a belt loop. She stared down at Bellatrix's dagger on the ground and then promptly levitated it with her wand. A swish and the dagger went flying out over the lake before dropping like a rock. "Let's go."

They were almost at the door to the castle when a voice called out.

"Draco! Hermione!"

The two of them stopped and turned, keeping their wands at the ready. A broomstick with two figures on it came swooping down. As it landed Cedric Diggory and his mother clambered off. Draco could see another broomstick approaching, though it was not nearly as close.

Draco found it suddenly very hard to breathe as he was abruptly enveloped in his mother's arms. He grimaced, but didn't pull back, knowing she must have been terribly worried about him.

He was on the verge of passing out when she released him and immediately swept Hermione into a tight hug. Hermione held herself stiff as a board and pulled out of the hug faster than Draco had ever managed to do.

"Are you alright?" his mother asked them, looking over at the dead Bellatrix.

"Yes, but we need to go. Harry needs us."

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