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Hola!¡! Ok so I've been tagged by MissChocoholicc to answer the questions below. This isn't in any way related to Haikyuu, but I don't exactly want to create a whole new book just for this only to delete it later. Ok here we go!

1. Are you a nighttime thinker or a daytime dreamer?

Nighttime thinker most definitely. I mean, I've had my moments where I tend to daydream, but for some reason my brain functions better at night. Same thing goes for my art, in the daytime the best I'll be able to do is a stick. figure and at night I'll be drawing portraits of people (not that they're any good though ;-;). Is anyone else like this or is it just me pls tell me.

2. Got a dream job?

I've always wanted to be an author, or a scientist (forensics). Now I know I'm not the best writer, but I think I've improved since writing this book. I still have a long way to go, but it will be worth it. As a scientist I've actually done some research on forensics and I'm really interested in the history of it. For those of you who don't know: Forensic Science is a science that helps people solve mysteries, like if you've ever seen NCIS the girl named Abby is a forensic scientist. Anyways, in the beginning forensics wasn't actually very big, but there was this one man named Bernard Spilbury who was an outstanding scientist. Unfortunately he killed himself when he was still young, but he kick started the world of forensics. Sorry for the history lesson I got a little carried away.

3. Do you have any insecurities about yourself?

Yes. A lot. But one that is actually highly ridiculous is: I'm low-key like 40% sure that none of my friends actually like me and they're just friends with me because they pity me ;-;. I know it's ridiculous but I can't help but feel that way. I won't go more into the deep stuff bc it gets worse but...

4. Do you have a physical feature you're proud to declare?

My eyes I guess (kagemamatobio  my corsed eyes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) they're kinda green but sometimes they're blue and around the pupil there's this ring of yellow and it looks kinda cool.

5. Favorite chocolate flavor?

Milk chocolate. I know I'm so basic. Sue me, but that shit's good.

6. How many followers do you have now?

26 and I appreciate all of ya ;)

7. If you met Nhiko in person, what would be your initial reaction?

I'd honestly probably be too scared to do anything but I'd be internally screaming. If I did say something it'd probably be along the lines of: "Hi, I'm Dankpasta from wattpad, wow I'm so awkward. I love your writing. K in short bye." Idk why but I suck at interaction with other people ;-;.

8. What's the biggest turn off for you in a guy?

Idk, I guess if they don't care about anyone but themselves that would kinda suck.

9. What's your favorite flower.

I don't really know anything in the field of flowers but I guess anything dark enough to look black or just dark purple.

10. Who do you ship yourself with?

Oh gawd. There's so many. Here's a list I guess (no shame)
-Bucky Barnes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-Tae (Bts) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-Rogue (fairytail) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-Kuroo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-I'm sure there's someone else but I can't think my brain sucks

11. Would you rather be cute or hot, why?

Can I be both bc I'm not either in real life? ;-;.

12. Describe yourself in one word.

Oml this ones hard. I guess... Does fangirl count bc if so that's me.

Ok I'm done and thank you MissChocoholicc for tagging me it was fun ^–^. I will tag the people below to do my own questions which will also be below.



1. What's your favorite fandom? Yes I'm evil.

2. Who's your favorite character in that fandom? Once again, I am evil.

3. Favorite color?

4. What's one interesting fact about yourself?

5. What's your favorite Hamilton song? If you don't know Hamilton than what's your favorite song in general?

6. Can you read in Russian?
Ты не мои папа.
Черепахи являются на самом деле демоны.

7. Can you touch your tongue to your nose bc I sure can't.

8. What's your favorite candy?

9. Would you rather meet Dan and Phil or go to an anime convention?

10. Kuroo or Oikawa? If you don't know who they are just look up a picture of them.

K that's all for now bye!

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