Chapter 60

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Not going to lie the last few days with Isac have been a little hazy...

He has been so distracted and I've felt so alone...

I don't know, I just feel like he has been hiding something from me. Even Linda tells me he has been very distracted.

"Linda, can I talk to you?" I asked her as I wandered into the living room to see her alone on the couch.

"Of course." She smiled sweetly and placed her phone on the table to show that she gave me her full attention. I really liked Linda she was so down to earth and caring. She made me feel like I was already part of the family...
I perched on the couch next to her and she turned her body to face me.

"Mine and Isac's one year anniversary is coming up which is a big deal for me as he's my fort boyfriend but I don't know I haven't been through the bad dates and jerks or anything so I don't know if something is happening." I started and she curled her lips in as she thought about the words that came out of my mouth.

"What has he been doing?"

"Last week someone called him and he picked up telling them to call him later like he already knew who it was and didn't want to talk to them in front of me but he's also been quite busy lately and I know he isn't going to the studio because I called up his manager to ask if he was there and he told me he had the week off."

"I have noticed he has been busy."

"So what do I do? Do I confront him? Do I stay silent?"

"Keeping your problems bottled up is never the answer. I don't think confronting him would be a good idea, he might have a very good reason for not being around. If he doesn't he might be having some time to himself."

"Having some time to himself? I'm not clingy am I?"

"No, no of course not. He might be going through something, he's young. Boys his age are insecure and immature." If he was insecure, what was he insecure about? I had seen every inch of him, every imperfection, every piece of fragile skin. Had heard every silly story, every voice break, every weird noise he makes. Had been through every embarrassing moment, every milestone, every obstacle. I had been through everything with him. Seen, heard and smelt everything with him. What could he possibly be insecure about?

"I don't think it's puberty. I think it's me. Or actually another girl." I sighed doubtfully.
"I think he's bored with me, I know I'm not very good company and I have a lot of problems especially with family and I guess he's fed up of that. I don't have big boobs, I'm actually quite flat chested which I think is abnormal as every other girl my age and older actually have things on their chest. I also think I have a horrible laugh and I am quite immature. I say crap jokes that aren't funny, I overthink and doubt a lot of things. I complain a lot." I stopped for a second.
"See I'm complaining to you right now. Ugh is be fed of me too."

"No honey he's not fed up of you. He's absolutely smitten with you, everyone can see it especially when he's with you." Linda placed a comforting arm on my shoulder and rubbed up and down gently.

"I'm going to give him a call to see where he is. Thanks for everything." I smiled gently at her and she smiled sweetly back but with a hint of concern plastered her face.

"Anytime. You can talk to me about anything." I exited the living room and climbed the stairs, closing Isac's bedroom door behind me. I wonder what he could be doing that consists of him leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night. I got undressed and wandered into his wardrobe to pick out one of his tops to wear to bed. His tops are way more comfy than my pyjamas. I got sidetracked and just stared at my naked body in the mirror... I wasn't admiring myself I was picking out every flaw, every detail that Isac doesn't like... In conclusion it had came down to my whole body from head to toe.

Isac's POV:

I opened my bedroom door with a good feeling about tomorrow. It was one year since Anna had started being my girlfriend. I closed the door and dropped everything I had in my hands when I looked in the mirror on my wall. I could see the reflection of Anna in the mirror in my wardrobe, but it was what she was doing that got me.

I quickly ran into the wardrobe and wrapped my arms around her from the back, pushing the object out of her hand.

"What are you doing?" I rocked her from side to side as I was holding her small, exposed body delicately.
"Why are you doing that?" I asked her, burying my head in the top of her head, kissing it gently.

"Now you care. I do something to hurt myself and suddenly you're all like 'don't do that. I'm here for you'. Bullshit. Where have you been for the past week? Kissing up to someone prettier? Smarter?" She suddenly exploded at me, her eyes were narrow and angry and her eyebrows were furrowed down to the top of her eyes. She was hurting, damaged and angry and for some reason I think it's my fault?

"I haven't been seeing other girls if that's what you're indenting." I spoke gently as I didn't want to get into a fight with her.

"Then where have you been?"

"Sorting something out if you must know." I didn't like her attitude towards the situation. Was I not allowed to go places without her consent? Everything I do is for her, does she not think I have a good reason to be out all day without any clue to what I was doing? She is hard work sometimes... But I love her...

"Just come here and put your pyjamas on its late." I walked closer to her but she just backed away until her back hit a cupboard in my wardrobe.
"Anna come on." I grabbed one of my t-shirts but she just pushed me away.

"I can dress myself." She snatched the t-shirt out of my hands and pulled it over her head, wandering past me and making herself comfortable in my bed. I sighed lightly and closed the bedroom door after I exited.

"Mom I need your advice." I asked as I walked into the living room. She was cuddled up to dad on the couch and patted from him, tapping the space next to her.

"What's happened?" She asked smiling. I collapsed next to her.

"Anna's being a bit off with me. I don't know if it's just a girl problem or if I've done something. She's hurt but she won't tell me why she just keeps yelling at me."

"Have you tried speaking to her?"

"Yes but all she does is yell at me and walk away. I can't get a word out."

"Maybe she's going through something. Maybe a difficult time but the person she wants, she needs is never around anymore. She might feel that the person she needs has abandoned her."

"But I haven't abandoned her. I haven't done anything to hurt her. She mentioned down thing about seeing someone else but I haven't. I haven't cheated on her you know that."

"Yeah but does she? She's young, teenagers tend to overthink and especially with everything this girl has been through, I'd be surprised if she doesn't overthink every now and then. You have not been around and haven't told her anything about this project."

"Because it's a surprise but everything seems to be falling apart now. I don't want her to feel hurt and abandoned. How do o fix this?"

"With love and time. Whatever she is feeling has most probably been building up, do you recall a first sign she started 'drifting' from you?" Mom exaggerated on the word 'drifted' to emphasise it but I knew what she meant. When was the first time? I guess I had had other things on my mind that I didn't notice how upset she was... Wait...

"It was when I received a call last week. I told them to call me back but when I hung up Anna went quiet and unhooked our hands as we were walking down the street." How could I be so stupid? No wonder she had gotten the wrong idea...

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