chapter 1

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"Come downstairs Paul, your breakfast is waiting for you" she yelled and then became engaged in with reading her daily article.

Meanwhile, I was busy conversing with my friends on phone in my room, on hearing mom's holler, i kept my phone aside.
took my school bag, and before leaving i glanced at my reflection as i passed through the mirror, and then i closed the door and went down for breakfast.

My mom was a tall women, with golden brown hairs, a pointed nose on square jawed face, and wore spectacles, she was very proud of what she had achived in her life being a nurse in the city hospital. She loved me the most as i was her only child, all her care and affection bestowed upon me through the entire life.

"Here i am mom, good morning" i said hugging her, and sat down for breakfast.
"Good morning son, and quickly have your breakfast, its almost 7'o clock your bus is gonna arrive at any time"
The moment i finished my breakfast there was a horn at my doorstep indicating the arrival of my school bus, i rushed through the door and made my way to the school bus.

" Have a great day paul, see you soon" she said and i waved my arms out of the bus window wishing her "goodbye".

On reaching school, as i entered my class room, i was warmly greeted by all my friends and mates, then i made my way to the seat where my fast friend, my buddy, my brother Ben was waiting for me,
He was of short height, with blonde hairs, and bluish eyes which looked beautiful like the deep ocean water.

We both were Physics freaks, we always had discussions about cosmos, about new researches, inventions, black hole, and most intresting of our topic was Aliens. Besides this we had many things in common like daydreaming, surfing on net, sketching etc.

We wished each other Goodmorning, and went on gossiping meanwhile the school bell rang for the school assembly to take place. We both had another thing in common that was disbeleif in almighty God, we were Atheist, but that doesn't mean we had no respect for god. So, we just used to close our eyes and remained silent throughout the prayer.

We both were the best students of our class and the favorites of our teachers specially our physics teacher Mr. Wilson.
He too was like us, he was might be the only reason for our love and affection towards physics, we three used to have lot of discussions on cosmos and its activities, he used to tell us about many scientists, their contribution to science, and about hypothesis on aliens and their existence.
His thinking was of another level, he had his own theories about universe and its formation. For each and every student he taught including me and Ben he was par excellent in physics besides that a true gentleman.
After the school was over, while i and Ben were going together towards our home, meanwhile in the way we saw on the television in an electonic shop an interview was going on of a famous biologist Mr. Henry tennyson. Who was considered as a lunatic and demented person because of his unusual experiments, and he used to have those experiments at some mysterious places which actually no one was aware about and i used to refer him as "Mr. Mad".
We also ignored that interview and moved on thinking that he might be on with any other foolish experiment of his.

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