chapter 2

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"What do you think paul, what would be Mr. Henry up to?, Might be he doing an intresting experiment" Ben asked

"No idea Ben" I shrugged and futher added, "But yes his dedication towards his work had made him a renowned biologist, and i think we should see his interview"

"But you know very well paul, he never reveals about the subject of his experiment"

"That's true but now i am too curious to know about his experiment, whatsoever we will find it out"

By then Ben's home came,

"Ok see u soon buddy, i'll be calling you and then we will discuss about it" i said with a little curve of smile on my face

"Bye paul" he returned

Ben wents into his house and i too went on towards my home walking and thinking about what might be the experiment about.

"I know i refer him as mad and lunatic but this is also a fact that he had earned this fame due to his intelligence, and for all he did in the field of science i respect him" i murmered to myself

Upon reaching home my mom welcomed me and then having a glass of water i went upstairs into my room.

I was feeling so tiresome, i just launched into my bed and slept for almost two hours, in my dreams also i was just thinking about Mr. Henry and his experiment,

After i got up, it was already 4:15p.m, i went into the kitchen downstairs to have some eatables and after gaining energy and feeling fresh,
I started to remember what i had to do, after thinking for 2 minutes hopefully i remembered that i had to call Ben, i returned to my room.

"Hello! Ben how are you?" I called up

"Yes i am fine" he replied, "And what about you?" He further added

" yep me too, oh yes buddy did you got to know something about the experiment" i asked with curiosity

"No bro, i think we should watch his interview's repeat telecast, so that we could get any clue" he suggested

" yes, you are right. Okay bye talk to you later buddy" i said in a low and groan voice,

"Bye", he replied and cut the call.

I kept my phone on the desk and went down,

" hey Paul!, today morning when i was reading the article, i read the interview of Mr. Henry....."

"Yes mom tell- tell what was written in it" i interrupted

"He is doing....."

"Okay mom i will read it on my own, tell me where is it?" I again interruptingly asked

"Okay its kept on the shelf in my room" she said.

I hopped to the room with a grin on my face as the mystery of the experiment for me was going to be over. I took the article and went to my room and started reading it,

Interviewer- "hello sir!"

Mr. Henry- hello

Interviewer- sir, this time its something different.

Mr. Henry- i didn't understand, say it in a clear manner

Interviewer- this is the first time ever you are giving interview about your experiment, previously you used to tell about it after the experiment was over.

Mr. Henry- yeah! Because all those experiments which i did earlier were not likely as this one.

Interviewer- sir please elaborate

Mr. Henry- sure! This experiment if it is successful it is gonna create history ,its going to change the mankind.

Interviewer- sir! You are making us all curious now please reveal, what is this experiment about?

Mr. Henry- i am doing some experiments based on transferring of DNA from animal into the human cell to make a new variety, a new breed of living creature.

Interviewer- wow! Sir please tell us something more about about it.

Mr. Henry- you are expecting much more, but i am sorry i can tell only this much, rest you will know after the experiment.

Reporter- okay! Thank you so much sir for your precious time, we wish you best of luck for it.

Mr. Henry- my pleasure man.

After reading the interview i called up Ben and told him all what i read.

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