That's What You Get (destiel)

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so i've had this idea for a while.
it was supposed to be russian instead of bulgarian but i'm way too lazy and just wrote it using my native language.bEaR wiTh mY sHit pEOplE (sORRY I'VE WRITTEN ONLY DESTIEL RECENTLY THERE WILL BE MORE JONLOCK I PROMISE)

Of fucking course he would be late, Dean thought with an irritated sigh, This is Sam, after all.

The Winchester brothers were on a holiday in Italy and currently Dean was sat by the pool, waiting for Sam so they could go to the restaurant their friend Bobby had recommended for lunch.

Dean wouldn't admit it, but he was kind of happy his brother spent so much time fixing and flipping his hair in front of the mirror, because that way he was provided with much more time and an excuse to continue "stalking", as Sam politely had called it, the handsome blue-eyed guy who seemingly spent almost every day of his vacation by the pool. However, Dean preferred to refer to his actions as "just showing healthy interest".

So here he was, lying on a sunbed, waiting for his diva of a brother to finally get ready and secretly hoping that his dream guy would appear soon.

And he did. Just not in the way Dean was expecting.

Just as he was lost in his usual daydreaming session, he heard someone plop on the sunbed next to his. He curiously glanced at the sound's direction and almost choked on the air he was inhaling.

There he was - Dream Guy, sitting and smiling at some other dude - his friend, probably. And Dean wasn't jealous. At all.

"И какво? Това ли е мъжът, за когото не спираш да говориш?" ("So what? Is this the man you won't shut up about?") Nameless Friend asked, glancing at Dean, who was frozen with surprise.

Dream Guy just smiled shyly "Да. Не можеш да ме виниш. Изглежда все едно е излязал от корицата на модно списание, признай си." ("Yup. You can't blame me tho, he looks like a freaking model, admit it.")

Dean smiled subconsciously and mentally thanked his weird bulgarian friend who had somehow managed to teach him his even weirder language in high school. At first he had refused completely but then quickly began to like it and by the time he was 17 he was already fluent.

Here's the payment to my hard work, Dean thought and continued to listen to the two men's conversation intently.

"Няма ли да говориш с него? Нали знаеш, че зяпането не ти помага много в любовния живот?" ("Won't you talk to him? You know, just staring doesn't do much good for your love life.")

Dream Guy snorted and looked at Dean, who looked away in the exact same moment, not wanting to be caught staring.

"Всъщност да, знам. Но как? Просто да се обърна към него и да му кажа "Здрасти,
сладък си, хайде да излезем на среща"?" ("I perfectly know this, thank you very much. But what should I tell him? Just go there and be like "Hey, you're hella fine, let's go on a date"?")

Nameless Friend just rolled his eyes and retorted "Да съм честен, по-добре от колкото нарочно да говориш на български с хората, само и само да не разбере, че го смяташ за някой гръцки бог или нещо подобно." ("To be honest, it's better than purposefully talking to your friends in bulgarian just so he wouldn't be able to understand you think he's some kind of a greek god or something.")

Dream Guy blushed. Actually blushed. Dean was sure he had never seen something more adorable than this.

"И все пак, по-добре отколкото да ходя да се излагам." ("Better than going there and humiliating myself.")

"Пъзльо." ("Chicken.")

"Грубиян." ("Meanie.")

Nameless Friend laughed. "Слава богу, че не ни разбира. Щеше да е по-неловко от онзи път, когато отиде на сватба с различни обувки." ("Thank God he doesn't understand us. It would be more awkward than that time you went to that wedding with different shoes if he did.")

"Абе я си гледай си работата." ("Shut up.") Dream Guy stuck his tongue out to his friend and jokingly attempted to throw his drink at him. Nameless Friend tried to poke his side but he seemingly expected it, because he grabbed his arm and twisted it in an awkward angle. They both fell into a pit of giggles and Dean noted how beautiful Dream Guy looked when he laughed. His blue eyes sparkled even more and the tiny wrinkles around them made him the cutest creature Dean has ever stumbled across.

After the two friends calmed down, Nameless Friend said "Добре, сега сериозно. Наистина ли планираш да седиш и да зяпаш до края на престоя си тук, вместо да направиш нещо?" ("Okay, serious business now. Are you really planning to just sit there and stare at him until the end of the damn world?")

Dream Guy sighed "Дори и да отида, няма да се получи. Прекалено хубав е за мен." ("Even if I try to talk to him, it's not going to work. He's way too cute for me.")

In that moment Sam came (don't you dare), tripping over his own feet and nearly falling on top of Dean.

"Well hello, big brother. I was just searching for you." he said, chuckling, once he regained his balance.

"It was about damn time." Dean grunted and stood up.

Sam mock-frowned. "That was mean, you jerk."

"This is exactly what my intention was, bitch."

With the corner of his eye, Dean caught Nameless Friend's amused expression and Dream Guy's slightly confused one. The word 'adorable' came to his mind probably for a hundredth time, but he quickly looked away due to Sam's knowing smirk.

Sam winked at him. "Anyways. Can we go now? I'm bloody starving."

"Yeah, yeah.." Dean was about to go after his brother but stopped and looked at Dream Guy.

"Да ти кажа честно, изобщо не съм "твърде хубав" за теб." ("To be honest, I'm not 'way too cute for you' at all.") He smiled at the other's petrified expression. "Довечера, стая 221В, изтупай се. Водя те на вечеря." ("Tonight, room 221B. Put on something fancy. I'm taking you on a date.")

He pretended he didn't hear Sam's cheering in the distance.

i know i'm fucking bad at this, don't remind me.
at least i fucking tried. (title is a paramore song heh)

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