In the Darkness You Will See the Sun (Dean x Reader)

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umm hey?? happy new year i guess. this was a prompt i received like a hundred years ago by the amazing alexstilinski (ily, you moron)
anyway, it's not exactly what you wanted but i hope you like it anyway
i know this is supposed to be a destiel oneshots book, but this is my christmas gift to her so bear with me pls
just to say, this is shit.

"A fire of unknown origin took my baby away" You sang, your hands on the steering wheel of your 69 Shelby Mustang as you drove through the empty roads of Nevada.

It was a little bit late - around 10 pm, but you didn't mind one bit - you loved driving during the night, with its mysterious shadows and the moon, hiding behind soft cotton clouds.

As you continued humming to the song, your thoughts drifted to your boyfriend - as many couples, you two had started off as friends, then became lovers. Things had been nice at the beginning but somewhere along the way things had stopped working out. Andrew was a nice guy, he really was - he tried to treat you well. He was just too proud to admit your relationship was a mistake.

"A real coward. Until the very damn end." You thought bitterly. This whole thing was so complicated you sometimes wished you were able to just go and cheat on him so you could break this venomous cycle which was exhausting both of you.

But the guy was still your friend - a very good one, actually - and you just couldn't bring yourself to hurt him more than you already knew you were.

A strange noise apart from the soft purring of the engine brought you back to reality. Smoke erupted from under the hood and you had to stop the car immediately.

You lifted the hood and tried to check what's wrong but the smoke was just too thick to see anything through. Coughing and cursing, you stepped aside, wondering what the hell were you going to do now.

I mean, you were in the middle of US 95 (which was approximately 1040 km long, by the way) at 10 pm with nothing aside the lifeless desert surrounding you.

"Wait a minute" An idea popped in your mind "Andrew said he'd be staying in a motel near this road. I could call him to see if he'd be any help."

Quickly checking your GPS to see exactly where you were, you were happy to discover that the motel was actually only 64 km away.

Your boyfriend picked up the phone almost immediately. "What's up?" He tried to sound cheerful, but you could clearly sense the dread in his voice.

"Um, Andrew, hey, look, sorry it's so sudden and all, but I'm in the middle of US 95 right now and my car kinda broke??" You were trying to sound confident, but your facade quickly broke."And I was sort of wondering if you could, you know, pick me up?? It's like 60 km from where you're staying so..." You trailed off, unsure of how he'd react.

A deep sigh was heard from the other side.
"Look, (y/n), I've been thinking a lot and... I was going to you know, talk to you when you've made it to the motel but I guess it won't happen..."

Your throat went dry. "Andrew, are you...??"

"Yes I am and I'm so so sorry, you know I love you, I really do, just not like... that. And I know you're not happy in this relationship, I see it and neither am I. Just decided to make things easier for both of us and break it off... I'm sorry, (y/n), I really am. I just think we're both better off this way. Please don't call me anymore, don't text me, just leave me alone, please?? I'm sorry."

You felt dizzy. Your knuckles had gone white from the way you were clinging to your phone.

You weren't even upset. You saw it coming, after all. Heck, he said it - it would be easier for both of us.

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