The View From the Afternoon (destiel)

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idk what i'm doing anymore ayeee
enjoy this shit fuckers

"Bobby! Come here, you little bastard!" Dean yelled, running after his huge German Shepherd.


Earlier this morning he had decided that taking his dog out might be a good idea.

It wasn't.

The minute they were out of the front door, Bobby had already somehow managed to get rid of his collar and was sprinting down the street, followed by a very angry and furiously swearing Dean.


After basically running through half of the nearby park, yelling and ignoring the amused glances people threw at him, he finally saw Bobby, playing with some other dog and barking happily.

He plopped on the bench next to them, panting heavily and not noticing the curious look the man already sitting there gave him.

"Bobby, c'mere!" He lazily scratched his pet's tummy. "You fucker, couldn't you at least wait for me, for God's sake!"

The dog just flipped his tail and went back to rolling around in the mud with his new friend.

"He's yours?" A deep voice beside Dean said.

He turned around and physically felt his jaw drop.

Next to him sat the most fucking attractive man he had ever laid his eyes on.

Crystal blue eyes, dark hair, pale skin, full, plush lips. Dean's ideal in one sentence.

Dean blushed, realizing he was staring and quickly stammered an answer. "Yup, why? Is he causing any trouble? I bet he is."

The stranger just laughed, his eyes glowing beautifully in the sunlight. "Nah, he just started playing with my dog, but I didn't see his owner so I was kinda wondering."

Dean smiled. "Well, here I am. Bet you didn't expect me to be a loser who let his dog escape and then ran through half of the park only to find it rolling around with some stranger's dog, which is adorable by the way, what breed is she?"

The stranger laughed again. "Okay, first of all, that was 1-100 real quick and, secondly, her name's Mary and I'm Cas, by the way. You know, 'some stranger' sounds pretty harsh to me."

It was Dean's turn to laugh. "Dean. Nice to meet you." He said, extending his hand.

Cas shook it and Dean pretended he didn't notice the way the touch lingered a little more than normal.

Suddenly their attention was grabbed by the joyful barking, coming from their pets.

Dean cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Um, so... My dog likes your dog.."

Cas giggled adorably, "Yeah, it seems like it. Wanna go on a date?"

Dean almost choked on air. "What?"

The blue-eyed man made an innocent expression. "What?"

Dean rolled his eyes, while inwardly he was pretty much freaking out. "Who's 1-100 real quick now, huh?"

Cas shrugged. "Well, you're hot and judging by the looks you've been giving me the last 10 minutes you probably think I'm pretty hot too, so wanna go on a date?"

Dean mentally slapped himself for being that obvious.

"Well, I mean...Why not?" He tried, and failed to sound calm.

He swore Cas' smile at his response could light up a whole room.

hAhahaHahAha i suck

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