Author's Note

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This is my first time on wattpad, so if I mess up some formatting, please don't be afraid to point it out. So, that's the first warning, now into the bigger concepts.

Alright, so this is a mortal school!AU so of course all of your favorite characters will be included, if you have any specific characters you'd like to see you can request them in the comments and I'll do my best to fit them in so you, the readers, are satisfied. As you read the story, it's clear that there are many OCs, and I know that is a huge turn off for some so if you read this and don't particularly like OCs, please exit this page and not bash me for the use of OCs because I just warned you in advance. Only two of these OCs are actually mine, the rest belong to my friends, I promised I'd put in their characters too. Another warning, some OCs have relationships with canon characters, and I know a LOT of you dislike that so like I said, if it bothers you so much don't read this fic. So far, I can only think of two OC/Canon relationships and only one of them is with one of my OCs. Third warning, yes I added two more "Hades" kids to the bunch, one is my OC, the other is a friend's OC. If you don't like big three OCs, I'm sorry, really I am. Most OCs in this story, if in a regular fanfic would be children of gods that aren't in the big three. If you would like a list of the OCs used in this fic and what their godly parent is in a normal setting, don't be shy and comment below. Also, if you feel how I write one of the characters is a bit out of character, please comment below and tell me how I could improve on making the character in question more in character. Like I said, I want to make this the best story it can be.

Ok, this is most likely the last thing I have to point out before you can actually read the story (sorry for making you read all of that), my writing style in this fic is definitely interesting you could say. I am aware that this is a FANFICTION, so not all of the spotlight is going to be on the OCs, there are many parts in this story that will not include any OCs and just the canon characters. That also means there will be many "ship" moments between Percabeth, Frazel, Jiper, etc. and if you have a ship you'd like to have included, like I said, comment below. ONE MORE THING, my OC and which ever canon character forms a relationship (I'm not going to say who) it's not going to be that silly love at first sight, dating within five minutes crap. Their relationship is going to form over a period of time and it's not always going to be focused on that development either.

So, those were my warnings to you, I hope I didn't miss anything and if I do, I'll just make an author's note. Thanks for reading this whole thing, some of you! I apologize again for making you read this whole thing. And one more thing (I am so sorry!), I don't enjoy being bashed in any way nor do I accept harsh comments, I know it sounds dumb for me to say that but there are polite ways of saying things. I DO accept critiques. And please, don't go throwing around the term "Mary-Sue" in the comments because I am trying my hardest to actually avoid that and have worked really hard on developing these characters and so have my friends whose OCs are involved and plus the term is just silly, no characters in this book are "perfect". Okay? Okay. Thanks again!

~Vienna Hrothgar

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