Chapter 3- Today is Finally Here

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Jasmine's POV

"Flight to France Air will take flight in 60 minutes, please board the plane," said a robotic voice of a woman from the speakers.

You can probably guess where we are now.

Alice and I were currently sitting on the chairs next to the gate that leads to the plane, and it had been 30 minutes since we said our goodbyes to our family.

There is something about airports that can be depressing in a way, I don't know if it is just me but it kind of reminds me of hospitals. There are always positive and negative emotions spread in the air, like in hospitals.

Usually in hospitals happy things can happen, yet also sad things. For example, when a baby is born, everyone is happy and excited to finally meet a new member of the family. Except it can be easily replaced with sadness when they found out the mother died while giving birth. Same thing with airports, when you go pick up a loved one you are happy to see them, but very soon they have to leave and go back to where they came from that's when sadness comes in. 

Right now, Alice and I are feeling neutral. We are happy to go visit Paris, yet we are currently sad we had to say our goodbyes to our family.

We had been sitting for 10 minutes when we heard the announcers voice; I had to nudge Alice because she had her earphones in and her eyes were closed. 

She pulled out her earphones and asked, "What's wrong?"

"We have to board the plane," I replied calmly.

Alice jumped up and took her royal blue backpack that was decorated with white lace off the floor and shouted, "Oh my God! Finally, I can't believe this is happening," and ran like a manic to the line forming at the gate.

I shook my head and quietly went behind her after taking my purple duffel bag next to me.

It wasn't long before we got onto the plane; there were small screens in front of each chair so people can watch movies, listen to music, and play games.

As soon as we made it to the chairs we were told to sit on, there was a bag filled with things we could use throughout the journey. I took my seat next to the window and Alice followed sitting in the chair next to me.

"I wonder what is in this bag," Alice said curiously.

"Let's see for ourselves," I replied. 

In the bag was a blanket, eye mask (for when we want to sleep and there is still light), socks, and earphones. I am certainly keeping all this for memories, it even had the plane logo on it just for proof that this stuff is for the plane.

"Aw, look what the label on the blanket says," I frowned and read the label Alice was pointing at for me to read. 

Sure enough the label said, Property of France airlines.

"I don't care what it says, I am seriously keeping all this," I said.

Alice gave me a look of disapprove and told me, "You can do whatever you want, I don't want to go to France jail."

"Buzz kill, why do you got to be a goody too shoes."

"Its called being responsible," she said matter-of-factly.


The rest of the plane ride consisted of me eating, watching movies, reading a book Alice got, and most importantly sleeping. The food honestly didn't taste as bad as people said it was, to be honest it didn't even have a taste at all, Alice wasn't complaining either which I took as a good sign. The only thing that I ate that had a taste was the breakfast; it consisted of bread, butter, juice and omelet.

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