Chapter 3

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The entire period I was thinking about the boy in the tattoos and piercings. I think Mr. Jones called him Louis. I was too into thinking about him that I totally forgot I was even in class.

"Hello? Am I going to help you?" He waved in my face.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I awkwardly smiled

and began to get up. Was I thinking about him the entire 45 minutes?

I pulled out my schedule and showed him all of my classes.

"You have art next, it's in room 105. That's downstairs, so follow me." I began to follow him as he was still looking at my schedule. The walk was mostly quiet until he spoke up again.

"We have four classes together you know." He smirked. I was sort of happy that I would be seeing him again, even though I knew nothing about him. He was so mysterious I wanted to know more. Ugh I was thinking too much that I forgot to respond again.

"Oh that's cool I guess. Which ones?"

"Well, we have history, and then we have French third hour, math 6th hour, and health 7th hour. Since we have 6th and 7th together I can walk you to our class everyday."

I stayed silent for a while because I didn't know how I should feel about this.

"We're here, one minute before the bell rings." One minute? What about his class?

"Where's your next class? Aren't you going to be late?" I didn't want to be the reason if he gets in trouble.

"I have gym, it's not really my thing anyways so don't worry about it. Anyways, I'll see you next hour." He winked and walked away.

I stood there for a few seconds before a bell shook me out of my thoughts. Wow I'm late again and I was right in front of the class. I walked in and once again students stared at me.

"Hi, I'm Isabella." I told the teacher.

"Isabella! Welcome! I heard you

were coming." She smiled. "Sit where ever you like. Class, this is a new student, Isabella Smith."

No one replied to her so I just looked around the room for a seat. I noticed a blonde girl motioning me to sit next to her, so I began to walk over.

"Hey." she put down the pencils she was using for her project.

"Hi, I'm Isabella." The teacher literally just said that but I'm not good at making conversation.

"I know, I heard." she giggled. "I'm Emily, nice to meet you."

"You too." I'm so bad at this.

"Soo.. have you made any friends today? I know a lot of these people can be jerks."

"Actually, this British boy said he would show me to all of my classes today. I wouldn't say we're exactly friends though." I didn't possibly know him enough to be my friend.

"British?" Her eyes widened. "The one covered in piercings, and tattoos?"

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Yeah you can say that." she did a quiet

sigh. "His name is Louis. Louis Tomlinson. He's one of the biggest players in this school, I don't know if you should be talking to him."

The biggest player? Is that why he was being nice to me?

"Look, just try to stay away from him okay?"

I really didn't want to, he seemed really nice and I don't believe he's a player.

"I think that would be hard to do, considering we have four classes together." I giggled. I tried to sound as nice as I could. I didn't want to stay away from him, and I really don't know why. I barely know anything about him.

"Can I see your schedule?" She motioned me to hand her it, so I slid it over. She was scanning it as she began to smile.

"We have lunch together! 5th hour." She quietly clapped. This girl seemed really perky, but really nice.

"Oh cool. Where do you sit?"

"Usually you can find me sitting at the table in the corner. I'm the only one that sits there, I don't really have a lot of friends here."

I didn't know how she didn't have any friends. She was so pretty, and seemed extra nice. She has blonde hair and

blue eyes, with a little bit of freckles next them. Her teeth were perfect, and she wore dark brown glasses.

"Okay, I'll be sure to look for you."

I smiled at her and she began to work on her project again. I just realized the teacher didn't even give me anything to do.

"Um, teacher?" I didn't catch her name before. Ugh.

"Yes, student?" she laughed. "My name is Ms. Floor, by the way. But I like to be called Amy."

"Oh. Well I didn't get any work, so I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing right now."

"Well in this cla--" she got cut off

by Emily.

"I'll help her, Amy." Amy smiled and nodded then went back on her computer.

"All you have to do is draw whatever you want. Whatever you're feeling right now. Just put it on the paper. Amy gets too caught up in explaining things, so I just saved you five minutes of your time. You should be thanking me."

She laughed.

"Thanks." I said as I pulled out a piece of paper and began drawing.


By the time class ended, all I drew was food. I skipped breakfast today and I couldn't think of anything else to

draw. The only other thing on my mind was that boy. Louis. Emily said he was a player but he seemed so nice, too nice to be a player. But then again, he yelled at me today when I bumped into him, then called me a bitch in history. I really don't know. Why am I even thinking about him so much? I shook my head and grabbed my backpack. Once I walked out the door Louis was leaning on a locker.

"Hey, how was class?" He grinned. Should I ask about what Emily told me?

"Great, I made a friend. Or at least I think I did."

Was she my friend? It seemed like she wanted to be.

"Oh, that's good I guess. What's her name?"

"Emily? She said she knew you. She has blonde hair, wears glasses. You know her?" I saw something flash in his eyes for a second, but he quickly replied back to me.

"Nope. No idea who she is." he laughed and put his hands in his black jean pockets.

"Oh." I ignored the fact that it looked like he was lying and changed the subject.

"So, we have next class together right? We should probably start walking." I don't want to be late again today. I was already late to two classes and there's only been two classes so far.

"Yeah yeah. Follow me." He grabbed my hand but I quickly removed it. He noticed my movements but didn't seem to say anything about it. We walked only a few steps down, until we got to our third hour, which is French.

"We're here." He smirked and opened the door for me. We're actually early to this class so I'm relieved that I won't be the center of attention. I just hope my teacher will be nice.

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