Chapter 6

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After class ended I was relieved. Antigone is an easy read for me, and I shouldn't have any troubles with that class. I also didn't talk to Victoria at all, and in fact I don't even think she noticed me sitting next to her.

After clearing my head off of Victoria, I pulled out my schedule. I think I had lunch next, but I just wanted to make sure so I don't look stupid arriving somewhere I'm not supposed to be. I quickly glanced at it and noticed I was right, I had lunch next. I think I remembered passing the lunch room earlier while walking to one of my classes. I figured it shouldn't be that hard to find it, so I will just walk by myself.

After only about three minutes of looking for it, I finally got to the cafeteria. It's pretty hard to miss, after all it is huge. I was scanning the room for Emily, I think she said she sits in the corner. I probably looked stupid just standing there squinting my eyes, but I wanted to sit with her. I kept looking around as I saw her waving her hands in the air, trying to get my attention. I giggled to myself as I began to walk over.

"There you are." I laughed as I got closer. "Took me a while to find you."

"Yeah, I was just watching you cluelessly look around, so I decided to wave my arms like a maniac so you could finally notice me." She joked while swallowing a piece of her sandwich. 

"Yeah." I didn't know what to say anymore, I'm really bad at making conversation. "So where do I buy my food?" I asked while looking around the room again. I'm starving.

"There's  a separate room where you buy it. I can show you where it is if you want."

"Sure." I said as we both began to get up. She told me to follow her, so I did as instructed. The room she was describing wasn't that far, it was literally right next to the cafeteria. Emily told me she would meet me back at the table so I gave her a nod, as I began to scan the foods this school had. Most of them  were kind of expensive, maybe I should just pack my own lunch. I just decided to go with a sandwich and a Vitamin Water. I can eat again when I get home, I don't want to waste my money here. 

After I payed for my small lunch, I began to find my way back to the cafeteria. While walking, I accidentally bumped into someone, as I dropped my Vitamin Water. I had a bad habit of bumping into people today.

"Sorry." We both said at the same time. 

"No, I'm sorry. That was my fault." The guy chuckled. I noticed that his voice was deep and soothing. I grabbed the Vitamin Water off the floor and looked up at him. He was gorgeous. He had dark brown hair, that was slightly spiked up. His eyes were also a really dark brown. He was just wearing a white t-shirt and a jacket over it, and black skinny jeans. 

"It's.. um it's okay." I did a mix of a stutter and a laugh. I began to walk back over to Emily because I didn't want to just stop and have a random conversation in the middle of the lunch room. 

"Oooh, does Isabella have  a crush on Ryan?" She said right when I sat down.

"What? Ryan? That guy I bumped into? No, of course not, I don't even know him." I was probably blushing like crazy right now, I could literally  feel my cheeks getting warm.

"Chill, I was just kidding." She laughed. "But admit it, you think he's cute."

Well, I couldn't lie there. 

"Yeah, I guess." I silently said. I didn't like talking about boys to people I barely knew, I think it's awkward. I began to eat my sandwich as we were still talking.

"He's sitting right behind you, you know." Emily whispered, pointing behind me. I really hope he didn't hear our conversation, where I called him cute. I slowly turned around, expecting to see him, but he didn't even sit there. I turned around immediately, about to scream at Emily.

"Oh my god, you scared me! I thought he might have heard me calling him cute." I whispered this time, making sure no one would hear. 

"Okay, I'm sorry!" She said laughing, while throwing her hands up in the air. "But he does sit over there, about four tables down." She was pointing in that direction, but I felt like she was lying. I wasn't going to fall for this again.

"Yeah right. I think you're lying again." I said in a joking matter.

"No, really! This time I'm serious!" She was cracking up at this point. Her glasses were slightly sliding off the top of her nose as she kept laughing. I decided to believe her, and I turned around to look for him. I finally spotted him, but he must have spotted me first, because he was staring directly at our table. I snapped forward again quickly so I was facing Emily.

"He just saw me staring at him." I sighed while burying my face into my palms. 

"Relax, he was looking over here before you even turned around."

"Why didn't you tell me he was staring over here!?" I playfully slapped her, after bringing my face out of my hands.

"I don't know, I thought it'd be funny." She was still laughing. It's like she laughed at everything. She reminded me of Lilian, who would find almost everything amusing.  

While I was thinking about Lilian, I took out my phone, expecting a text from her. I opened my messages but I didn't see any new ones. Maybe she still wasn't awake, or maybe she was grounded. She had a bad habit of always getting in to trouble. Emily started to talk to me again, snapping me out of my thoughts of why she still hasn't texted back.

"So, have you made any more cool friends today? You know, besides me. After all, I am the coolest." She joked. Actually I haven't really talked to anyone today, only teachers, Louis, and her.

"Well," I paused for a moment before speaking again. "Actually no, I've pretty much just talked to you and Louis." I heard her sigh when I mentioned Louis' name. What was it between Louis and her? Louis says he doesn't know Emily, but Emily says Louis is trouble. Did he do something to her?

"Oh but wait." I suddenly thought about that girl Victoria. I didn't think we were friends or anything, I just wanted to ask Emily if she knew who she was. "I saw a girl named Victoria today. She was wearing a dress and dark red lipstick. Do you know who she is?" 

"Oh. Well, she's Louis.." She trailed off for a minute before zoning back into me. "I don't really know how to say it. I guess she's Louis' 'buddy'. "   She put the quotes around buddy as she said it. 

"Do you mean fuck buddy?" I laughed.

"Um, well yeah." She said as she took a sip of her water.

"Aw, is poor Emily scared to curse?" I ignored the fact of me being jealous that Louis has a 'fuck buddy', and tried to be jokeful. I really don't know him, I need to stop being so jealous. He's not my boyfriend, nor is he my friend.

"What? No. I just didn't know if you liked to hear curse words, so I didn't say it." I saw her starting to blush.

"Mhm, okay." I laughed. Now she was the one blushing, as I was the one cracking up. I really like this girl.

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