Harry Hart x Reader One Shot

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You walk into the tailor shop like you do everyday. You just love the scent of the crisp, gentle fabrics lined up around the shop. You also became a regular because of the unusual mishaps that fell upon your white button-ups. You're surprised that you haven't taken the job there yet, to become a Kingsman tailor.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip Delivered By Merlin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's been about a year and half since you've been a Kingsman tailor and you fancy the job. The shop doesn't get too many customers but just enough to keep you busy for the time. Today a usual comes in, Harry Hart, alongside what appears to be a street kid. You look down and start folding some button-ups, trying avoid any stares from the man. You see, you've fancied the man since you first saw him come into the shop. He was probably the main reason why you finally took the job here, though you'd never admit it.

"Well what's a beauty like yourself doin 'ere?". You look up to see the kid giving you a cheeky grin. You give him a light smile,"Well I'd thought it'd be cool to be a female tailor, obviously", you replied as you rolled your eyes at the end. "Oo, feisty are we? But for 'eal, why a tailor shop though?". You sighed and put down the shirt you were folding. "Well, since I came here almost everyday and loved spending my time here, I decided to finally take Edward's (lets say the owners name is that) offer and just work here. So now I have an actual excuse to be here all the time". You lowly chuckle to yourself thinking about the last part you said. Yeah, excuse to see him.. The kid smirked and said,"Well now I have a reason too". You raised your eyebrow at him and was about to shoot back a witty comment when you were so unexpectedly interrupted.

"Keep that up fellow, and you may never be allowed back here", Harry said coldly as he walked towards us, glaring at the young man. He passed up the kid to stand right in front of you. He looked down on you until you looked up to meet his stare, smiling a light but sweet smile. At this, he smiled back before turning to face the young man. "I shall suggest you not flirt with her lad", he said a bit roughly, titling his head a bit to the side. He must've given the boy the worst death stare of his life based on his newfound facial expression. He then proceeded to raise both hands up in a defensive manner mumbling,"Aight, I understand, she's off-limits....", backing up slowly. Once he was half-way near the front door, he turned back with a smirk dancing across his lips and slightly yelled," 'Cuz YOU like 'er!". Before Harry could even process what the boy had just proclaimed, he was out the door and probably around the corner. Slightly amused, you let out a small giggle at, not only the young man, but at Harry's flushed and nervous face. He turned slightly towards you, head down, eyes zooming back and forth between his shoes and your direction. "..P-Please forgive him. He still has yet to learn how to properly behave himself..", Harry mumbled an apology in which you couldn't help but wonder whether it was being directed toward you, or himself.

You smiled up at him, though he was not looking at you. You stood up slowly, placing yourself directly in front of his slightly trembling figure. As you reached up to touch his cheek, Harry ever-so-lightly flinched from most likely mistaking the gesture as a incoming slap. All of a sudden, you couldn't help but start to laugh. You've never seen Harry quite get this way in front of anyone, not even ladies who were sure prettier than yourself. Harry looked up, both bewilderment and confusion flooding his eyes that quite nicely accompanied his quizzical face. You took some deep breaths before coming down to a more calm state before looking back up at the man in front of you. Sighing, you put your hand on Harry's shoulder and looked down. "I find this to be quite an amusing turn of events because it just so happens that I....have some mutual feelings for you as well, Harry..... I've actually have for quite some time now..", you slowly said while inching your face back up just enough to catch a glimpse of his face.

Flushed, burning cheeks. Wide eyes glazed over with undetectable emotions. Mouth agape, like the words that had to be said were stuck just at the top of his throat. A slim coat of sweat gathering at his hairline. For just a brief moment, it felt as if Harry was floating; he could physically feel all his problems and stresses melt off his shoulders and all that could be felt was your hand gently placed on top his shoulder. Coming back to reality and the situation at hand, Harry found his composure and realigned his posture. He cleared his throat before trying to calmly speak, miserably failing for it coming out more like a shaky whisper. "Well, that is..delightful to hear. Especially from you, of course.. Er-I'm sorry I reacted this way. I wasn't planning on it being like this at all...", he mumbled at the end as he lowered his head. You took your hand away from his shoulder rather quickly.

Scared from the sudden loss of your touch, Harry shot his head up only to freeze for your face was suddenly extremely close to his. Breath hitched, muscles tensed, he was rendered to staring intently into your eyes. He felt like you were reading him, his mind, the thoughts running through his head at at least a billion yards per millisecond. Finally, you smiled at him, admittedly still amused by all that has happened. Seeming to not being able to even blink, you decided to make the immensely needed move. You started to slowly lean in, totally not because you're a tease or anything, just to encourage it from him too of course... FINALLY getting a hold on himself, Harry starts to lean down into you. Lips brushing slightly against one another, your lips were about to lock together when all of a sudden....


At the sudden disturbance, you both jumped back away from each other, faces searing with embarrassment. You looked up to see who could have came busting in like that, only to be met with the smug face of the young man from earlier. "Oi. I wasn't walkin' in on ya, was I?". You look down, even more embarrassed from the situation at hand. Harry straightened up, fixing his tie, and clearing his throat. "As of matter of fact, Eggsy, we were in fact right in the middle of something", Harry said sternly, once again glaring blades into the boy-Eggsy's soul. As Harry started to walk towards him, Eggsy turned on his heel and dashed out the door like a madman. Smirking, Harry turns back around and approaches you with newfound confidence. When you're in arms reach, Harry extends out his arms, wraps his hands around your waist, and dips you in one swift move. "OH, quite the gentleman I see", you scoff at his sudden but cheesy move. He smiles down at you and proceeds to lean down into you. He captures your lips in a gentle, yet needy passion. You pull away a moment later needing some air from the kiss. Smiling at each other, Harry takes the opportunity to whisper the question you've longed to hear from this man. "Y/n... Will you do me the pleasurable honor of becoming my girlfriend?". Taking a moment for suspense, you slyly reply, "I'll tell you when you stand me up right". Chuckling, Harry lifts you up back onto your feet. You then silently stare at him, face suddenly emotionless like a blank page. Harry's smile turns into a frown quickly as the worse starts to plague his mind. Right when he's about to forward an apologetic cry, you lunged forward at him wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, silencing him with a simple but meaningful kiss. Stunned and oh so ever confused, Harry leans back afterwards to raise his eyebrow at you. You look at him before bursting out into a fit of giggles, which only furthers his confusion even more. Shaking your head, you look up into Harry's eyes and whisper, "Yess...". Smiling as realization hits his face, Harry too smiles and leans in for another kiss.

" 'Bout bloody time you asked her....", you hear as Merlin's voice comes in through Harry's comm. Laughing at the sudden comment, you can't help but to say, "Dammit Merlin..!". Both Harry and you laugh as Merlin chuckles a low 'why thank you..'.

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