Lazy Days - Merlin x male!Reader

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You inwardly groan as the sunlight seeps through the curtains onto your sleep-heavy eyes. You turn your head to escape the sun's rath, only to almost roll on top of a body next to you. Slightly confused, your sleep-driven brain doesn't register that it's just your boyfriend. You sit up and stare with your half-lidded at the man, trying to pull together what exactly had happened the previous night. Suddenly, all memories of heated, intense passion that was provided when you got home displayed across your mind. You look down at the snoozing figure as your cheeks heat up. Halfway from standing up, the bed shifts and you hear a deep intake of breath. You freeze, slowly turning around to find your boyfriend looking up at you, smirking.

"Running off so soon..?", Merlin's hoarse voice says. Oh god..That deep voi-STOP! Stop right there mister! You literally just woke up and don't need to be already sporting a boner... You smile sheepishly at him before proceeding to the restroom. "Is it a crime to have to pee?", you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes though he cannot see it. "When it requires you to be away, yes". You chuckle as you dry your hands from washing and head towards the kitchen. Moments later, a drowsy Merlin in only boxers strolls into the room. He looks up to see you at the stove making pancakes, and stalks over to your form. Right as he's about to scare you, the spatula comes inches away from his face. Without turning around you say, "Don't". Merlin backs away and you resume to cook breakfast. Merlin instead sits at the island in the kitchen and proceeds to silently admire your figure, mostly your ass. Just as some not-so-saintly thoughts start to cloud his thoughts, a loud clank interrupts them. Snapping out of his spicy thoughts, Merlin looks down to see a plate full of fresh, gooey pancakes. He looks back up to see your smiling face. "Eat up, while they're still hot", winking at the end of your sentence. He chuckles and picks up his fork.


Exhaling deeply, you switch your position the couch again, this time in a up-side down pose. You look over to Merlin, who's leaning over the couch into a wall. Curious, you move again to lie half-on top and half-on the side of him to see what's he doing. Leaning onto his shoulder, you get a good look and immediately face palm. "C'mon..oo-dammit..", Merlin mumbled under his breath. He was pulling and folding his phone charger cord in every which way just to find a position where it'll charge. You lightly scoff and smile, shaking your head as you relax on him a little and start to hum. The vibration from your humming courses all the way up Merlin's spine, making him shudder slightly. A moment later, he finds the perfect spot and slowly moves his hands away to make sure it works. Satisfied, Merlin leans back up and turns to sit up and move you into his lap. One of his hand land at the top of your head and start to run through it. You close eyes as you softly mewl from the feeling. Merlin chuckles a bit but it dies down as he takes in your face. Skin glowing especially with the sunlight hitting your feature in just the right way. You look so relax, at peace; just so...happy. And that's because you are. Getting to actually spend a day relaxing with your boyfriend was one of the best things you could've wished for, with your busy lives and all. You open your eyes to meet Merlin's loving stare. Just that alone brings a certain heart-fluttering feeling to you. You warmly smile and snuggle into his torso. He holds you close, hand still running through your hair, other rubbing small circles into your opposing hip. I could used too this.. You smile at the thought, heart thumping happily in your chest.

Out of nowhere, a muffled but loud DING echoes throughout the room, slightly making you jump. You smirk and roll your eyes as you realize it's Merlin's phone signaling it was no longer connected to the charger. You laugh as you sit up, seeing a annoyed look wash over Merlin's face and a groan slip past his lips. "You should just get a new one, you know..?", you shake your head as you hear him start to mumble again. "Shhhh.. I got this..", he grumbles. He leans over again and returns to his previous challenge of successfully connecting the charger.

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