Potential ~ Eggsy x Reader

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Running. On and on 'till you round a corner, legs shut down and you tumble to the ground. Staring. You gaze into the stars above while you lie on the pavement, inhaling air like a dehydrated desert man. As your breathing becomes more consistent, the adrenaline dissolves away from your body leaving you aching and drained. A little of your blood seeps to the ground beside you. You could say this was a normal night of the week for you.

You came from an abusive household, probably even worse than your friend's, Eggsy. Both of you met on a gymnastics team before you both ended up quitting, you first but both for similar reasons. One night, he found you all bloodied and bruised outside the Black Prince, bringing you to his home to clean you up and find out what had happened. By the time you were done, Eggsy quietly fumes and tells you about the same. Dead parent. Abusive step-, alongside a gang of no-goods. Y'all had it tough, but when a certain someone came along, he thought it was about time that had to end. "I see a lot of potential in you both; I think it's time you start making use of your lives....How would you like to become a Kingsman?".


That was a couple years ago. Your life now is to underhandedly defeat threats to humanity, all in a stylish manner. You were among the top agents in Kingsman, alongside your best friends: Eggsy and Roxy. Though, you often teamed up with Eggsy, being a dynamic duo and all. You lived this dangerous life with such thrilling passion, Merlin says you'll surely get killed pulling the stunts you do. And you were well aware of that, you just liked to play along the boundaries. Being a Kingsman was just about the bestest thing that ever happened in your life.

Just about.

You walked into headquarters, heading towards the gym there. You liked to come here often, especially after Harry's little stunt with Valentine. Being able to do something both productive and keeping your mind off of the incident was good for you, and it happened to be combat training. You have become stronger, more flexible, and smoother with your fighting through your "therapy". So when Harry came back from the dead, he was surely in for a recommended hospital visit after seeing you. You smile at the memory and start to wrap your hands in bandages. As you finished one hand and start on the other, you hear the doors open and close. You didn't bother to look up because you knew who it was from their footsteps; a thing you've acquired early in life before becoming a Kingsman. "Hello Eggsy", you smile as you hear him chuckle. "Hey. Training again, are we?". Finishing the last wrap, you look towards Eggsy and flex your hands in response. You proceed to do your regular warm-ups, despite Eggsy's presence. A few moments later, you go to the beat up punching bag. Before you could start, you swirl around to find Eggsy still there staring at you. Smirking, you walk a few steps in front of him and stop. "You want something, or you just gonna stand here eye-balling me?". Eggsy looks down as he scoffs and takes a step forward, standing directly in front of you. "How 'bout we spar, huh? I mean, if you can handle it". Always ready for a challenge, you immediately comply.

"Bring it". He smirks and goes to pull out the floor pads. Once he lines them up, he stands on one side looking to you to see if you're ready. You walk over to the opposing side and set your stance, signaling your start. You both circle each other, waiting for the other to strike first. You decide to attack first, swinging a hook to his left side. He quickly dodges, counter-attacking coming in to the side of your legs. You manage to spin around and catch his leg with yours, trying to hold yourself up. You deliver a quick blow to his captured leg, letting it go to kick him down. As soon as he makes contact with the mat, you quickly go to straddle his hips and pin his hands above his head before he could even realize what's going on. He looks upon your smug face and grimaces. "Got a lot of potential but..", you get off him and stand in front of his body still on the floor, "Still need some practice I see". He stands up and you offer your hand for him to shake. He grabs it, but pulls you into his chest and pins you against the wall next to you guys. "Yeah, but looks like someone forgot 'bout letting their guard down 'round their opponent", he says as he smirks.

You huff in annoyance at this, but also because his body is very close to yours. You start squirming at attempt to get away, but only made it worse by rubbing your thigh up against his crotch. He groans Fuck.. above your ear making you stop and slightly shiver at the warm breath tickling your ear. Roses bloom on to your cheeks as you look up at him. He looks down at you in return, breath erratic as he gazes at your lips. Is he...panting??? "Ya know Y/n, you have very lovely lips. It quite suits that beautiful face of yours...", he murmurs as he slowly leans down. Flustered, you clear your throat and look down. He slips a finger underneath your chinny chin chin and pulls your face back up. Only a few inches away, he looks into your eyes before speaking. "Ya make it so hard to resist taking you, ya know? But it seems I don't 'ave to anymore..". He closes the gap between you, gently kissing. Oh, what a gentleman.. You think and smile into the kiss. You both part from each other, smiling. "Guess not, huh...?", you say making you both chuckle lightly. "Thank god no", he says as he pulls you in for another kiss.

Now this was the bestest thing that has happened in your life!

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