He Gets Jealous (Part one)

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Jeff the killer
It was a boring day, it was to sunny to kill during the day and Jeff was busy getting yelled at by Slenderman for picking on Sally. You slowly wondered the halls of the mansion and playing with your knife, when someone ran into you pushing you to the ground. You were about to beat some creepypasta ass, but realized it was BEN and Jeff best friend.

You stare at him for a moment then stand up "You know if you weren't Jeff's friend I would've kicked your ass." you raise an eyebrow offering your hand to him.

"Thanks, have we met before beautiful?" He asks. That frustrated you because one he was flirting with you and two Jeff is the one that introduced you two!

"Yes, now I've got to go." you say not wanting to be around this little elf.

BEN grabs your hand, but before you could beat him a knife flew past both of you. "Let go of MY Girlfriend!​​​​​​" he yells and with his forever grin made him look even scarier, you thought he just looked hotter.

BEN quickly runs off, while Jeff hurries to your side and slams his lips on yours. "Jealous much?" You giggle at him.

"So what! You're mine!" He continues to kiss and takes your room to make sure BEN doesn't get you.

BEN Drowned

BEN and you were playing CoD when people online started flirting with you. You were getting really pissed, but BEN looked like he was going to explode.

"I would stop if I were you..." you speak up warning them hoping on having a fun time with your boyfriend.

"Babe, check this out!" with that he kills everyone that flirted with you.

"Thank you babe~, but don't kill them irl yet, you can do that after this game."



Eyeless Jack

EJ does't usually get jealous or when he does he keeps quiet about it, but he out getting 'food' so you were bored. You were walking around the mansion hoping to find something fun to do. You were about to give up when someone pushed you into a very dark room.

"What the fuck....?" you whisper

"shh, Jane is trying to kill me..." by the voice you could tell it was clockwork.

"Well ok then, should I know why?"

"I kissed her." you were shocked calmly she said it.

"Why the hell would you do that?"


"That's no reason to kiss someone!" and right as you say that Jack has to open the door.

"What are you doing to heartless?"his voice cold

"Shit! I'd rather deal with Jane!" she quickly runs off.

"You're mine and anyone who opposes will be missing a kidney."

"You're jealous?" he just lifts both of your masks just enough to kiss, he tasted like blood and kidneys a taste you've grown to love, when you finally part you grin. " smooth" he just smirks and sticks to you for the rest of the day.

Dark Link

Dark does get jealous, but always plays it chill then later kills the thing that made him jealous. Though today was little different due to it was your guys turn to go in public and get food and supplies. So you both had to wear normal human clothes. Dark was comfortable with what he was wearing, but you were worried how revealing your outfit was and Dark was trying to convince you to show him.

"Come on princess, we have to go soon." Dark says with a slight irritation in his voice.

"But Dark this barely covers me."

"Lets just go."

"Fine...." you step out of your room and Dark's jaw drops. You are wearing some jean short short shorts that gripped your butt, a tank top with a v-neck that showed off your cleavage, and converse.

You and Dark suddenly hear someone whistle....it was fucking Jeff! Lets just say Jeff had to hide from Dark.....for a month.

A/N: Hope this was satisfying till I do a full update. Bye love you my little freaks!

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