Becoming A Creepypasta!

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Jeff the killer 
    You wake up in a large dark room. 'not again' you thought to yourself, but this time you weren't tied up. "hello?" 
    "Aw child, your up." a deep voice echoes through your head. "I have some questions and probably some answers for you." 
     "Where am I?" 
     "slender mansion child. Now what's your name child and why did you come to my forest." 
     You didn't know where the voice was coming from, but you still answered. "Y/N and I was scared , what about you." 
     You see the shadows shift for a moment. "I'm slenderman child. Now ms.Y/N do you know why here." 
      "well, you are now a thing called a creepypasta. Creepypastas kill for a living." then something steps out of the shadows. 'what the hell is that' "it's me child" this creature had no face, tall, and wore a suit. 
     "how..... Wait! Kill!?"
    " yes child, please don't make this difficult."
     The more you thought about it the more appealing it sounded. "hahaha! haha!" you start to laugh and can't stop. (you could be related to laughing jack). 
       "good child, now please tell me what you want to be called. We can't call you by your name for reasons." 
       You thought about it and it popped up sweetheart is what the man called you and he wouldn't let you sleep. "sleepless sweetheart." just saying it made you fill with energy. 
      "ok, sleepless." 

BEN Drowned
      You wake up in front of three men around age and a tall creature. One man looked straight at you or at least you thought, you couldn't tell because he was wearing a hoodie covering his face. 
     "l-l-look s-sh-she's up." he stutters out. 
     "hello child." the creature 'speaks' up. It had no face and was extremely tall. 
     "hi. Umm where am I?" 
     "well *tic* you were *tic* choosen to be *tic* a creepypasta. *tic*" a man with goggles and a mouth guard speaks up between tics. 
      "a what?" 
      "a creepypasta child. You see you died in that fire and are reborn as creepypasta killer." 
      "this is hard to believe....., but I guess it's better than hell." 
      "child what do you want your name to be and based on what I know what is the song that summons you?"
     " cry baby. "
    " well that seems to fit your looks well. " the third man finally spoke up. 
     " wha! " the creature hands you a mirror. You stare at the woman in the mirror. She wasn't you! She couldn't be! She had your E/C eyes, but almost faded away and her hair was messy but was the same color partly black though. Her eyes were crying blood. When you smiled she smiled back with sharp pointed teeth. 'why me ' is all you thought.

Eyeless jack 
     You felt like you were floating in nothingness. Then you saw a smoke looking thing, you had this strong feeling to touch it. The moment you made contact you felt you thrown back into consciousness. You were now in a bed. 'how did I get here? ' 
     "I teleported you here, child." you turned around to see a tall creature with no face looming over you. You would normally feel scared right now, but you felt nothing. 
     "ok.." you stand up and walk over to the mirror in the room. You stared at your reflection. You had stitches on your forehead and chest! "why is my chest stitched?..." 
     "someone stole your heart... Literally, child." 
    "interesting...., how am I living then.?" 
    "your a demon or your soul fused with a demon. Plus your a creepypasta also known as a killer." 
    You look at your reflection again. Your eyes were now black and your skin grey. 'so inhuman' you thought to yourself. 
    "child what do you want to be called?" 
    " I get something to hide my face?" 
    He nods and gives you a brown hoodie and a F/C mask with black lips and eyes with a heart on the cheek. 

Dark Link 
    You woke up with a headache and looked feeling like you being watched. The room felt dark, but it looked bright. 
     You eventually met face to 'face' with a tall creature. "good evening child, do you wish for the lights on?" you felt like he was testing you. 
     "no, I can see just fine." 
      you look at the mirror behind him and see yourself, but it wasn't you it was dark Zelda. You look down at your clothes sure thing your wearing her dress. 
       "I see you discovered your appearance child." 
        "why am I dark Zelda?" you made your voice sound calmer than you actually were. 
         "well you're a creepypasta now child and your appearance fit your killing method and personality." 
        "oh....." you did look hot though. 

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