Eh... Whats God doing here and why is he narrorating..?

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(Your POV)
"Ugh..... My everything" I groaned as I slowly become aware of world around me which wasn't like I last saw it. I tried to stand up but something felt different about my body and it wouldn't move the way it normally should. I looked down to see the problem, my body didn't look the same at all.... It was a light green color and I had four legs with little white stubs for feet.

Confused I ran over to a nearby pond (conveniently placed by author-Chan...... you're welcome) and looked at the still water  like a mirror to see my reflection. I gasped as I saw my reflection, I was a chikorita like the one I saw on the machine! I had big red eyes, a huge leaf on top of my head, I also had little green bumps around my neck that kinda looked like a necklace and a tiny green stub that is my tail."

"Oh Sugar honey iced tea! I'm a Pokemon and people catch Pokemon..." I thought to myself as I began blindly running, "This couldn't have been the first time this happened right!?! RIGHT!?!" I screeched in my mind to no one in particular.
"Wait this has to be a dream! Silly me people can't become Pokemon so I must has passed out or something.... But no matter! I'll just try to enjoy being a Pokemon inside my dream for now."

"Ve~ Germany look at that cute creature" I heard a voice call from above me, then I felt hands pick me up as I freaked the fuck out. "HOLY MILTANK!" I blurted out in a high pitched voice but it it only came out as "CHIKO CHIK"

(3rd person point of view)

Italy's scream could be heard from a mile away and it was because he picked up a chikorita, yeah sure harmless looking until they use leaf blade on you then it's all cut and bruises not fun and games. Either way the small green Pokemon caused some harm to the dumb Italian.

Meanwhile over the hill an certain *cough* gay for the dumb Italian *cough* German is running to the Italians aid. And if you listen very closely you can hear him screaming for his *cough* boy *cough* friend. "ITALY ARE YOU OKAY?!?"

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