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Love is a small word with an entirely bigger meaning. And when it stars, it spreads like wildfire. And once that happens, there's no stopping it. It's there forever.

I look down at the poem and smile. "That's so sweet, Margot."

"I know," she smiles softly. "I was thinking Charlie would like this as his birthday gift."

"You guys are getting pretty serious?" I wink at her. 

She looks discerned. "You could definitely say that."

I try not to bring up Margot's appearance, because she's one of the most self-conscious people I know. But today, there's something off about the way she looks. Her eyes are sunken in and dark, like she hasn't slept in a few days. Not to mention her weight has dropped immensely, which usually, she would be thrilled about.

But today, she looked different. She looked like the shell of Margot.

So instead, I ask, "Have you been doing alright?"

She sighs a little, and I can tell she's forcing a smile. "It's fine."

"No," I take her hand. "No, it's probably not. C'mon, we're best friends. Please tell me."

"It's just such a confusing summer," she tries to explain. "It's not going how I thought it was."

"I'm confused. What's bad about it?"

"Charlie..." She looks up at me. I stare back at her, trying to see into her, trying to dig out what she's hiding from me. "He's just a very intense person."


She sighs again, heavily this time. "I wish I didn't meet him. Maybe I should end this while I still can."

I hold up the poem, but she shrugs. 

"Well, whatever Margot wants, she gets," I try to cheer her up. "Hey. Let's go make some cookies. You look like you have no weight anymore."

This, she grins cheekily at, and strikes a pose. "I'm a model. I knew it."

And for that moment, I feel like Margot is back. I tackle her with a hug and we're both giggling, and for a brief moment, we know nothing but each other. Like it used to be. I wish it wouldn't have been the last time.

That night, Kieran shows up on our doorstep, to Jane's surprise.

He smiles sheepishly. "I ran out of food."

"Get in here!" Jane says, pulling him in. "Jeez! A growing boy can't go hungry! I'll get another plate."

"My love, he's already a grown boy," my dad booms from the living room, and turns football off. He comes over to shake Kieran's hand. "How've you been, stranger?"

"Over the moon, lately," Kieran replies, and I look down at my feet to hide my face. 

Jane sets the table- Fettuccine Alfredo. Otherwise known as Ezra's favorite food in the entire world.

"You didn't," he says, looking down at the plates.

"I sure did, honeybun," she kisses his head. "Sit and eat."

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