Hey guys! Its the eighth part!

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Hey guys! I am back again and I have an extra long chapter for you! c: This time because I feel like doing something different im gonna be doing a chapter containing TWO people! You heard me right! Thank you Leajamjam and geritashipper12 for commenting and asking and doing what you do!

               I hummed to myself as I twilded my thumbs, waiting for the next person to drop in from above. I watched the usual black spot appear above me, indicating that she was on her way down now. Her figure became more apparent by the second and she seemed to be havig some fun with the freefall, up until the landing that is. I hid a chuckle as she fell flat on her face in a poof of cloud dust. She got up and wiped herself off,"I'm okay! Nothing broken! All Good!" I chuckled and nodded,"That's always a good thing! I'm waiting for someone to miss the cloud one day.. But its good to have you here..Sicily?" She nodded vigerously and smiled,"Yep! That's who I am, don't wear it out!" She turned from me and leaned over the edge of the cloud excitedly,"Hey everyone! I hope you're all having fun because you're about to have a blast!" Before she spoke again I heard a poof behind us and after a quick spin I saw that Leajamjam had appeared again. "And looks like Lea is back from wherever she went! Where DID you go?" I asked curiously, looking at her suspicously. She just shook her head laughing, "Not important right now! Im just here to help clean up for a bit because you see I have a bit of free time on my hands." I shrug and chuckle,"I don't see why you can't, as long as you don't kill the countries that is!" I turn over to Sicily again,"Sorry about that! You can continue!" She nodded and smiled at the countries,"I wanna know some of your crushes! Don't be shy!"  We watched as the countries looked at each other, contemplating whether or not to spill the goods. "Prussia!" Hungary yelled, her face red,"I have always had one on Prussia!" The albino looked at her, a mixture of happiness and disbelief in his eyes. It was a moment later before there was more movement. This time by a different brunette,one with a curl. He had his eyes on a tall blonde whom he had been long time friends with. Italy had ran up to Germany and hugged him, which for anyone in that moment, was enough, especially the german. No one else came out with their crushes, a few tried subtle hinting, but no other country came out whether out of secrecy or embarrassment."Well that was fewer than expected." Sicily said with a not so happy face. Lea chuckled and walked over and stood next to her,"I have a question of my own, if you guys don't mind?" I shook my head and motioned for her to go ahead. She looked down at the countries and smiling,"Hello again countries! Normalish question for all of ya! If you were all the opposite gender for a week what would you do? And this is assuming that Norway and England had nothing to do with this!" I hit my head,"Fudge! I thought i forgot to bring in a few countries.. oh well they will make an appearance next time.." England glared up and folded his arms,"I'm not always involved in magical mishaps!" America laughed,"I would assume it's england then I would look down my shirt and I think I speak for everyone when I say that." Even Hungary was laughing and nodding. Prussia pointed to her, "Though some would look down their pants." What erupted next was a barrel of laughter, screaming, arguing and pain. "Well this has been an eventful one huh?" I said to Sicily and Lea chuckling,"But...let us calm everyone down here" I yelled and there was a huge plume of smoke. It took a few minutes before it settled and when it did what we saw was everyone worst nightmare. Lea's question had become a serious deal and now the majority of the room was girl.

           Thank you so much guys!! This was fun to write! I am not sure how long i will have the opposite genders last for but i liked the idea so thank you leajamjam for that! and thank you geritashipper for your awesome question too! :) 

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