England and France....in hetaoni...i hate you kate

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may i start with this......kate.....WHY HETAONI!??!?!?!? WHY?!?! really!! idk whether im gonna be crying or laughing bc i type these little paragraphs before i do the actual story! i dont add 'em in after! *sigh* i have you kate....but since you said it...i must do it...but im gonna make it so they dont know what is going on

England looked around and turned to France,"Where the bloody hell are we now?" He sighed and rubbed his temples as the french shrugged,"right..." France turned to the front door and tried it,"Locked shut. Looks like Kate has trapped us in here Angleterre. How long did she say? 24 hours?" The two guys sighed and looked at each other, obviously thinking two different things. "Say..England, you quite calm for being locked in a place like this with a guy like me non?" France said, smiling slightly. The british nation shrugged and turned, starting to walk down one of the halls,"Yeah well...You're also not acting like the bloody perverted frog i thought you were gonna act like." This brought up France's signature laugh, causing england to cringe. They walked through a doorway and looked around."well at least there is a kitchen in this place. I could make us a meal or two." England said, walking over to the kitchen area, not noticing France's horrified expression. "Um...Angleterre. I dont think this food is any good a-and i dont think you could cook here...allons-y" The french said, quickly turning and walking out of the kitchen. England stood there for a moment,"wait a blood moment....allons-y is...french? i used french in doctor who??" He ran off to follow france and nearly ran into him in the doorway."What are you doing you git?!" He yelled, backing up. France held up a hand and shushed england, stepping to the side slightly to show what appeared to be the backside of something tall and dark grey in front of them. As quickly as England saw it, it appeared it just vanish. "What was that..." England muttered under his breath, staring at the spot were the thing was.

~skip scenes: back to us a few hours later~

I sat on my cloud by myself curled up, ignoring the countinous protests of everyone. "Nice dare Kate but i think you broke kat.." Dani said, patting kate's shoulder. America looked at the two,"so what IS hetaoni anyways?" Kate facepalmed as she had completely forgotten none of the others knew either,"Its this game with all of you in it, though i just sent those two, and you guys get stuck in this mansion and basically this monster thing is after you and tries to kill you. Its very complicated." Canada came over and glared,"So you sent england and france to get killed?! Are you insane?!? its bad enough we were sick for hours and heck a few people still are but thats taking it too far!" America nodded in agreement with his brother. He and Canada were the closest to England and France so he ran up under my cloud and yelled,"KAT! BRING THEM BACK! PLEASE!" I stayed curled up and yelled back, my voice cracking,"I cant! the ask forces wont let me!"

~14 hours into the dare~

England sat on one of the bed, biting back a yell as he tended to the nice cut in his right arm,"Where did that frog go...i hope he is alright..." He and France had been ambushed by that creature and were seperated. He stood up after tying on the make-shift bandage with a sigh,"well lets go find out.." He cautiously stepped out of the room.

France was sitting in the bathroom, the safest room oddly enough. He ran in after being seperated with england and hadnt seen the monster creature this since. He was safe for now but he knew he had to find England, he was worried."Angleterre will be fine....he is fine, he has to be."

~20 hours into the dare~

Both Countries sat on the bed in silence, just enjoying the company of the other. England looked stressed and worn out and France looked like he had been through hell and back. "France...I'm sorry for everything. I didnt realise it until I found you.." England said, his voice quiet but firm. He looked at France, a slight smile on his face,"to be honest..your not too bad..your not wonderful but your not too bad." The Frenchman just sat there and chuckled quietly,"Thank you angleterre..that means alot to me.." They looked at each other and laughed, enjoying the moment they shared together, the moment of not killing each other.

~back at the countries and me sometime later~

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the dare to end. Spain and Prussia were talking to themselves in one corner of the room."We need France! He will complete our trio!! with me as the awesome one of course!" Spain laughed and shook his head,"Lets get him back before we argue over who of us is awesome." On the other side of the room America sat quietly, rubbing his hands as his twin paced in front of him."Mattie..do you think he is alright? I mean..everyone else seems to be pretty quiet but what do you think?" The canadian boy shrugged and sighed, sitting,"I dont know.....i hope he is okay.." I was still curled up on my cloud with Kate and Dani next to me. "Come on..they are fine! Thats why i sent those two!" Kate said happily, patting my shoulder, seeing how upset i was. Dani sat there quietly, shaking her head as she MUTTERED to herself,"At least she didnt lock herself in her room this time.." I stayed quiet but nodded slowly at their words. There was a flash and a cheer, causing the three of us to bolt up and see what was going on. "Thank bloody hel- GET OFF OF ME YOU AMERICAN GIT!!" A certain brit yelled. I jumped straight off my cloud, landing with no grace as i bolted for England and France, tackling both of them(along with america who was hugging england) to the ground."Thank god you guys are okay!! Iggy you can see right?! thank god!!" I said at a million miles an hour as the screen went black.

A stinkish ending yes. Time skips yes. funny? kinda maybe. Sweet? yes. true to me? fudge yeah!! hope you liked it!! send in questions/comments/dares!

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